The conference «Sociology in Action»
Sociological department of St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities of HSE Campus in St. Petersburg invites foreign and Russian students take part in the conference Sociology in action which will be held in the framework of the International Scientific Forum on February 4-5, 2016 NRU "Higher School of Economics" - St. Petersburg.
The Conference is an international forum and a good opportunity for young researchers to present and discuss progress in research, development, applications of the topics related to the contemporary social research and social problems. The range of the report topics includes following areas:
- youth and generational studies;
- corporeality and sexuality studies;
- studies of labor and consumption;
- cross-country analysis;
- prosperity and happiness studies;
- migration and ethnicity studies;
- educational strategies and school studies;
- social organization of higher education and science studies;
- urban studies;
- network analysis;
- political activism on the Internet and impact of the Internet on protests studies;
- the blogosphere studies.
Participation in the conference provides an opportunity for students to present their research and to exchange experiences with the specialist from scientific research laboratories of Sociological department of HSE Campus in St. Petersburg. (Center for Youth Studies, Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science, Internet Studies Lab)
Conference languages: English (mostly), and Russian.
Benefits for the selection of applications is given to applications in English.
Please complete the form below (in English or in Russian) to participate in the conference.
Applications will be accepted from Monday 23 rd November 2015 until 20 th December 2015 inclusive
The fee for participation in the conference does not exist!
Financial support for participants' travel costs is not carried out.
We are waiting for you at the conference.
Conference program committee:
Approved Panels
Panel 1. Social Studies of Computer Games, Internet and Virtual Worlds.
(moderators: Alexandrov D.А., Sinyavskaya Y.E., Koltsova O.Yu., Shirokanova A.А., Musabirov I.L.)Аccepting applications is extended until 18 of January, 2016.
We invite you to submit research papers on computed games and virtual reality. Contributions from all social sciences and humanities such as anthropology, cognitive psychology, communication, political science, social psychology, and sociology are welcome. The topics covered in this section will include but are not limited to the studies of game communications, game design, concepts of popular games, development and promotion of computer and video games, links between actions in virtual reality with everyday social interaction, violence in games, etc. We are also accepting papers on game studies in general.
Also we are ready to discuss the following topics: online communities; online social movements; online political communication; digital divide and online social inequality; e-Health; e-culture; e-governmentl; trust and reputation; consumer behavior; platform related and comparative studies (VK, instagram,wikis, reddit, digg, etc). The presentations may include the results of qualitative and quantitative research.
Panel 2. Social studies of education.
(moderators: Alexandrov D.A., Savelyeva S.S.)
Panel represents studies analyzing the educational systems and their agents: teachers, parents and students. Wide range of research problems dealing with inequality in education is discussed: from interethnic relations in classroom and parental school choice to educational systems functioning in different social contexts
Panel 3. Sociology of Science and Technology. Scientometrics.
(moderators: Kupriyanov A.V., Demin M.R.)
The panel aims to discuss various social aspects of the production and re-production the scientific knowledge, as well as social and cultural effects associated with the use of technology. All thematic subjects in this area are welcome. Papers based on analysis and presentation techniques of Computational Social Science and Digital Humanities are especially welcome alongside with more traditional ones.
Panel 4. Urban youth culture studies and ethnicity.
(moderators: Omelchenko E.L., Sabirovа G.A.)
Panel of the Centre for Youth Studies "Urban youth cultures and ethnicity". Participation is open to young researchers involved in the study of youth cultures and sub-cultures, youth identities, and youth in the city. The accent also will be done on the discussion of the role of ethnicity in youth communities and on the analysis of spaces of inter-ethnic interaction. The presentations may include the results of qualitative and quantitative research
Panel 5. Labor and consumption of modern youth studies
(moderators: Krupets Y.N., Arif E.M., Polyakov S.I.)
Panel "Labor and consumption of modern youth studies" organized by the Center for Youth Studies is devoted to the analysis of the phenomena of labor and consumption in contemporary society. The presentations on youth employment, attitudes to work and careers, youth labour market, compatibility of work with studying, cultures of consumption, lifestyles, youth identities constructed through consumption practices are welcome within the section. The presentation should be based on the results of your own empirical research
Panel 6. Sociological studies of the city
(moderators: Tykanova E.V., Tenisheva К.A.)
The section “Sociological Research of the City” deals with a broad range of urban issues. We particularly invite presentations concerning public urban spaces; transport systems and passengers' mobility; specific features of the urban mode of life; spatial segregation and other processes associated with the representation of inequality in urban space; consumer practices in the city; urban communities; urban social movements; creative, media, and smart city; bottom-up participatory initiatives and urban conflicts; security and social order in the city; mega events, and urban economics. Other presentations related to urban studies and grounded on quantitative/qualitative data or original theoretical insights are also welcome
Panel 7. The political reality: a sociological dimension
(moderator: Makaryan A.G.)
In our panel we are ready to discuss the topics concerning to: Study of actors, groups and mass behavior in political processes; the social factors of political processes; Study of Vox populi in the system of power relations - essence, structure and dynamics; Study of interest groups, which consists of studies of political influence, electoral participation, election campaigns and pressure groups; Study of civil movements, political socialization and culture. However any other topics, relating to the description of political reality through a sociological optics will be discussed with great pleasure
Panel 8. Comparative sociology
(moderators: Ponarin E.D., Makeeva A.)
The section for comparative social research is organized by the international laboratory for comparative social research (LCSR, The section is devoted to statistical analysis of sociological data in comparative perspective. Our traditional areas of research are subjective well-being and happiness, migration and attitudes to migrants, and nationalism and ethnic conflict. However, we will consider any report based on comparative (cross-national or cross-regional) statistical analysis
Workshop in the frameworks of the Panel 1. Social studies of computer games and virtual reality
Advanced undergraduate and graduate students are invited to attend a workshop "Social Research of Computer Games and Virtual Reality" in the framework of conference "Sociology in Action". We invite you to submit research papers on computed games and virtual reality. Contributions from all social sciences and humanities such as anthropology, cognitive psychology, communication, political science, social psychology, and sociology are welcome. The topics covered in this section will include but are not limited to the studies of game communications, game design, concepts of popular games, development and promotion of computer and video games, links between actions in virtual reality with everyday social interaction, violence in games,etc. We are also accepting papers on game studies in general. First and second year undergraduate students interested in game research are invited to submit essays describing their preliminary ideas and/or research designs to discuss them with more experienced researchers and find possible collaborators.
Deadline for applications – 15 of January, 2016.
Deadline for applications is extended until 18 of January, 2016.
To apply, please, visit the webpage: and
choose our section Social Research of Computer Games and Virtual Reality.
You can address any workshop-related questions to
Preliminary program:
February 4 (Thursday)
10:45 – 12:15 Introduction to Social Research of Computer Games
13:15 – 15:00 Students’ presentations
15:00 – 16:30 Panel session
16:30 – 18:00 Networking
February 5 (Friday)
10:30 – 12:30 Students’ presentations
13:45 – 15:00 Starting Location -- Discussion of Research Essays and
Research Designs
15:30 – 16:30 Students’ presentations
16:30 – 17:00 Closing
Soc_in_action_2015 (PDF, 5.59 Мб)
Сборник Социология в действии 2014 (PDF, 4.25 Мб)