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HSE Day is a Tradition

On September 9, the Higher School of Economics is again welcoming guests at Moscow’s liveliest and most exciting location – Gorky Park! HSE Day was first celebrated in Moscow in 2012, the university’s 20th anniversary, and has since become a tradition of citywide proportions. Thousands of people meet in Gorky Park on this day to participate in this extraordinary university celebration. The Higher School of Economics is a university open to the city, which is why Muscovites and everyone in the capital at this time will have the unique opportunity to get a glimpse of life at the university outside of its walls and also to take part in various themed events. Not a single Moscow university can pride itself on such an extensive list of entertaining cultural activities!

A rich programme has been prepared for HSE Day 2015 that has something to spark anybody’s interest. Tents will be set up around the park with representatives from all faculties of the Higher School of Economics, and attendees will have the chance to meet some of Russia’s leading academics and politicians. It will also be possible to talk with university instructors in an informal setting and even go for a stroll along the Moskva River embankment with the university’s rector. This year's HSE Day will include a new sports and entertainment event called Reforma Fitness School, which will bring together lovers of dance and fitness.

This celebration is an excellent opportunity for everyone not only to walk around and have fun, but to become part of the HSE family as well!

How to Participate

There is open and free entrance into Gorky Park for HSE Day 2015. We want everybody to have the opportunity to enjoy the cultural activities and participate in sports competitions at the event.

Place and Time

The Higher School of Economics is holding the event for everyone in the city – students, teachers, Muscovites, and guests of the capital. We are inviting everyone – young and old, small and large! We hope to see you on September 9, 2015, at:

9 Krymsky Val, Gorky Park.

The event begins at 2:00 p.m and will finish at 21.30 (please see the event programme). 

By the way, students will not have classes this day.
HSE Day Map

Sign up for the Splean concert!

The stars of HSE Day’s music night is the group Splean, which has been one of Russia’s most popular rock bands for more than 20 years now. The group has recorded 12 albums and is best known for its songs ‘No Exit’ (Vykhoda Net), ‘New People’ (Noviye Lyudi), ‘Stay to Winter’ (Ostayomsya Zimovat), ‘Romance’ (Romans), and others. Splean was the first Russian group to get more than a million ‘listens’ on the global musical project Last.fm, and the band has performed on the same stage as the Rolling Stones.

To attend Splean’s concert, please register on Timepad to receive an electronic ticket. You must show this ticket upon entering Green Theatre.

HSE Day Programme

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Meet HSE

At HSE Day, you will see what kind of programmes HSE offers and how students spend their free time and fulfil their creative ambitions. You can find new friends here, share your experiences, gain knowledge and just have a good time!


Open Air Lectures


The Higher School of Economics has been educating the public and making learning more accessible and understandable for many years now. Since 2013, the university has been holding free and open lectures at various locations around Moscow, presenting knowledge in a format anyone can understand. From film to marketing, anthropology to game design, the topics of the lectures are always diverse, but they are still able to uncover the innovative aspects of specific issues, and they sometimes shed light on entirely new areas of science.

As part of the Higher School of Economics’ Open-Air Lectures, HSE Day will feature an entire series of informative talks in both Russian and English.

Networking Veranda

Networking is a way of effectively solving some of the most complex tasks, whether in the realm of business or personality, in a social environment. This might be among friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. The main thing is to trust your environment and build solid relationships with people. HSE will allow you to immerse yourself into in a comfortable social atmosphere, solve tasks, and learn about various so-called life-hacks, all while finding friends along the way. You will be able to do this at the Networking Veranda by showing off your creativity at FabLab, interacting with books at the Library, or analysing business issues with HSE Business Incubator. Networking Veranda will be open from 14:00 to 19:00

The Whole World at HSE

HSE School of Design: Design and Fashion for All

Design can be off-putting due to its incomprehensibility and the unfortunate snobbery associated with it. Design is, however, a pleasant, understandable, and very useful endeavour, which students from the HSE School of Design will prove. The students will also offer trivia, a tattoo workshop, a fashion show, screen-printing, and other interesting events that are sure to entertain you and show you various art forms.

HSE School of Design: the design and fashion world for everyone!

Green HSE

HSE Land

We invite all visitors to take a memorable journey to HSE Land, an active zone and creative platform for student organizations. This is a huge area of sports, fun, and new friends. There is an entire amusement park at HSE Land, and events include an intense dance off and even poetry night!



See how HSE Day went

Read about the event

HSE Day video


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