University Pool Disciplines
The Master’s Programme “Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation” offers 3 courses which are included in the HSE University pool of courses (mago lego).
The History of Technological Development in Society
- Episodes of technological and societal development in mechanization,communications, electronics, computers, power & energy, and military technology
- Concepts of ‘technological lock-in’, serendipity-effects and unintendedconsequences
- Ethical and moral issues associated with technological choices
The Future of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Present and future energy, water and environmental systems: key elements and their interrelation
- Global resource governance
- The transformation of energy and water companies
- National energy and water policies and their environmental, social and cross-sectoral implications
- Energy and water technology foresight: from research to policy advice
Industry 4.0
- Industry 4.0 design principles
- Building blocks of industry 4.0: cyber physical systems
- Industry 4.0 and technologies
- Aligning industry 4.0 and strategies. Advanced manufacturing process analysis
- Industry 4.0 and the national high technology strategies