What Makes Cities Attractive to Innovators?
How do we evaluate the contribution of innovations to urban development? Why do cities need innovation? How do cities attract top talents? These and many other questions were addressed by the participants of the international online discussion ‘Increasing the Innovation Attractiveness of Global Cities: Best Practices’ organised by the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (HSE ISSEK) on March 1, 2023. The event also featured the presentation of new outcomes of a global study on urban innovation carried out since 2020.

Generations Communicating in Digital Environment
Gadgets have been gaining strong, and different, influence over the daily tasks of Russians: on the one hand, they reinforce our connectedness to the world during the harshest lockdown, on the other — the contact between real individuals or even generations is getting weaker. Robots help automate routine tasks, as well as learn how to make rather autonomous decisions, and yet it is unclear, who should be responsible for those decisions. The XI International Academic Conference ‘Foresight and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy’, conducted online on October 15–25, 2021, started with a comprehensive analysis studying the social effects of digitalisation.

Russians’ Digital Practices During Lockdown
The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has released the results of its survey on digital practices in 2020, which illustrate the changes in how people have mastered new formats to solve routine tasks.The HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge has released the results of its survey on digital practices in 2020, which illustrate the changes in how people have mastered new formats to solve routine tasks.

Few Innovators among State Employees in Russia
HSE ISSEK researcher Alena Nefedova and her colleague at HSE Marina Chernysheva looked at where in Russia innovators are most likely to be found, who they are, what kind of innovations they come up with, and whether these get implemented.
How Digital Technologies Affect the Quality of Life
HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge presents the indicators of Russians’ ‘digital well-being’, measured with the use of the OECD methodology.
Figure of the Day: 85%
of Russians believe the current rate of S&T development is excessively high.
Creating 'Users' and Studying 'Non-users' of Technologies
The social sciences and the humanities are beginning to play an increasing role in technology and innovation studies: it becomes obvious that the long-term social effects of scientific and technological development are important side of it. Similar studies are gaining momentum in Russia. For instance, HSE ISSEK has been measuring public perception of science, technology and innovation indicators in the framework of 'Monitoring the Innovative Behaviour of the Population' for more than 10 years. It latest results were presented by Alena Nefedova at the International scientific-practical conference 'Russian User Studies' (November 29 – December 1, 2018, St. Petersburg).
Leonid Gokhberg’s Comment to HSE Web-portal about ‘Russian Science in Figures’
On the Russian Science Day (February 8) an infographic report entitled ‘Russian Science in Figures’ was published. Leonid Gokhberg, director of ISSEK and the first vice-rector of HSE, has commented some of its main points to HSE web-portal.
New Values in the Innovation Policy 'Toolbox'
On January 24, 2018, the Higher School of Economics jointly with RVC JSC held an expert discussion on indicators and instruments of the government’s policy of innovative development, designed for the National Report on Innovation in Russia — 2017.
Science. Technology. Innovation: 2017: Pocket Data Book
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterizing S&T and innovation potential of the Russian Federation. There are the information about intellectual property, S&T output, data of international comparisons given.