Conference: ‘The Role of the Humboldt Foundation in the Consolidation and Development of Russian Science during the Transition’
On February 26-28, 2014, a conference will take place at the HSE on ‘The Role of the Humboldt Foundation in the Consolidation and Development of Russian Science during the Transition’ .
This interdisciplinary conference will be attended by former Russian grant holders of the Humboldt Foundation and current research award winners. It is timed to coincide with the past German-Russian year and to the Foundation's 60th anniversary. The main goal of the event is to demonstrate the results of successful cooperation among Russian and German scientists. Leading researchers from Russian universities, including the HSE and the RAS research institutions, will be in attendance.
Working language: English
Start time: 9:00 a.m.
Address: Room 311, 101; 20 Ulitsa Myasnitskaya, Moscow
Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
If you have any questions or need a pass to the HSE, please notify Ludmila Artamonova of your plans to participate via email: