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  • ‘Ecology Provides the Best Opportunities for Professional and Personal Development of Young People’

‘Ecology Provides the Best Opportunities for Professional and Personal Development of Young People’

‘Ecology Provides the Best Opportunities for Professional and Personal Development of Young People’

Photo: Press centre of the International Children's and Youth Award ‘Ecology Is Everyone's Business’

In early May, the HSE Institute of Ecology and the International Children's and Youth Award ‘Ecology is Everyone's Business’ held a joint seminar in Dagestan, where they discussed the launch of youth environmental projects for federal and international competitions. At the meeting, the Institute's experts presented methods of organising project activity in the field of ecology and sustainable development for educators and young people in Dagestan. Teachers and students from more than 50 schools, colleges and universities of the republic took part in the event.

The seminar was held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan, the North Caucasian Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Dagestan and Dagestan State University.

Kinayat Yunusova, an employee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan, emphasised that the key activity of her colleagues is to create conditions for the comprehensive development and education of children, while offering bonuses for university applicants motivates high school students to participate in federal competitive events in the field of ecology and sustainable development.

Guram Sultanov, official of the North Caucasian Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor, noted the importance of implementing an environmental safety strategy in the region and the relevance of environmental education for young people.

Natalya Porotnikova
Photo: Press centre of the International Children's and Youth Award ‘Ecology Is Everyone's Business’

Natalya Porotnikova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecology, Head of the Association of Eco-Schools ‘Leaders of Sustainable Development’, spoke about the experience of the HSE Eco-School. ‘Ecology is an interdisciplinary field, which provides the best opportunities for the professional and personal development of young people. Our methods allow them to gain initial experience in some of the most popular professions, and to create portfolios and social projects with the support of federal and regional partners. In Dagestan, projects in the field of eco-education, ESG entrepreneurship and ecotourism can become promising areas for promulgating HSE eco-school methods,’ says Natalya Porotnikova.

Irina Rezanova, Director of the Regional Partnerships Centre, presented the HSE University Educational District, which includes more than 500 schools from all federal districts of the Russian Federation. ‘Our partner organisations receive methodological and expert support from schools, information about university projects for general education, continuing education programmes for teachers and managers, participation of school representatives in professional discussions, assistance in training competent applicants, the opportunity to immerse students in the reality of academic life and much more,’ says Irina Rezanova.

Developing and implementing new individual projects of schools with university departments is an extremely important part of this interaction. The Eco-School, a joint project of partner school No. 2107 and HSE Institute of Ecology is a good example of this cooperation.

Irina Rezanova
Photo: HSE University

Irina Rezanova also spoke about the ‘Social Lift’ university programme, which has been helping motivated applicants who find themselves in difficult life situations to enrol on HSE programmes and study for free.

Experts from the International Children's and Youth Award ‘Ecology Is Everyone's Business’ spoke about the competition and its goals. The Rosprirodnadzor Award, which was established in 2021 on the initiative of its head Svetlana Radionova, is given for interesting, creative ideas, initiatives and projects dedicated to the preservation of the environment, respect for nature and the popularisation of ecological culture. The contest is held annually and includes children, youth and adults working in the environmental sphere, encourages their involvement in the fight for a clean planet. Last year, the organisers received more than 45,500 works from children and teenagers from 34 countries. Children from every one of the 89 Russian regions took part, with participants from Dagestan among the contest winners.

To apply for the contest, you need to upload a short video, photo, drawing or cartoon on the website www.экологияделокаждого.рф or prepare a video presentation of a complex technological development. The winners receive various prizes: smart speakers, gadgets, and laptops, as well as the opportunity to go to the Russian Children's Centre ‘Orlyonok’, Lake Baikal or the Black Sea.

During the meeting the participants also presented a network model of interaction for creating projects for senior schoolchildren (grades 8-11) and students with the involvement of federal and regional partners. The seminar was supported by the ‘Technologies of Ecological Development’ platform, which includes more than 300 leading companies and universities in Russia and more than 100 experts who are ready to provide consulting support to youth projects. Irina Nizhnik, Director for Regional Development of the Tech Platform, also noted that while building their career it’s important for young people to create their portfolios and develop competencies in the field of ESG business.

Irina Nizhnik
Photo: Press centre of the International Children's and Youth Award ‘Ecology Is Everyone's Business’

‘Dagestan State Reserve’ was the event’s regional partner. Maryam Magomedova, a specialist in environmental education on the reserve, shared her experience in organising eco-educational and ecotouristic events.

The seminar ended with a project session with federal and regional partners, where participants discussed possible formats of cooperation and ideas for joint projects.

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