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HSE Political Scientists at the World International Studies Committee Conference

From the 5 -9 August the Fourth Global International Studies Conference organised by the World International Studies Committee took place in Frankfurt. The dean of the the HSE Social Studies Faculty, Andrei Melville, spoke in his capacity as Chairman of the Programme Committee.

Andrei Melville participated in the plenary meeting entitled ‘IR Theory Beyond the West? Prospects for a Global IR Discipline’. During the conference, thanks to the initiative of the political scientists from the HSE Social Sciences Faculty, a special workshop called ‘Good Governance’ or ‘Good Enough Governance’ was set up (based on a project run by the HSE Centre for Basic Research). Tenured Professor Mikhail Ilyin, as chairman of the workshop, gave a speech. Amongst the speakers were Andrei Melville (How Durable/Vulnerable are post-Soviet Autocracies and Hybrid Regimes?) and Anton Vorobyov (Does 'Good Governance' imply 'Good Enough Accountability'?).
Mikhail Ilyin took part as a panellist in the workshops 'Concepts in IR Theory' an 'Problems of Governance in the Modern World'. He also gave a lecture, 'Four models / metaphors of political change: hybridization, transplantation, grafting and contamination' in the workshop 'Concepts, Models and Metaphors in IR'.

29 августа, 2014 г.

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