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Working papers by the Basic Research Program



WP BRP Series: Law/ LAW

Series Managing Editor: Mikhail Antonov 

Vera Rusinova, Sergey Korotkov "Mandatory Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence Models: Shooting Blanks?", Series: Law, WP BRP 99/LAW/2021 

Original Manuscript of an article published in "Russian Law Journal", available here.

Yury Fogelson, Dmitry Poldnikov "The Social History Of Law As A Factor Of The Rule Of Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 98/LAW/2021

Vera Rusinova, Alexandra Pereverzeva, "Privacy And The Legalization Of Mass Surveillance: In Search Of A Second Wind For International Human Rights Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 97/LAW/2020

Vera Rusinova, Ekaterina Martynova, Polina Kurakina "Fighting Cyber-Attacks With Sanctions: New Threats, Old Responses", Series: Law, WP BRP 96/LAW/2020

Mikhail Antonov "Church-State Relations in Russia in Light of the History of Concepts", Series: Law, WP BRP 95/LAW/2020 

Dmitry Poldnikov "The Formalistic Pattern Of Soviet Civil Codification As A Chapter In European Legal History", Series: Law, WP BRP 94/LAW/2020 

Ekaterina Semenova, Ekaterina Perevoshchikova, Alexey Ivanov, Mikhail Erofeev "Fairness Meets Machine Learning: Searching For A Better Balance", Series: Law, WP BRP 93/LAW/2019

Leonid R. Sykiainen "FIQH as a Source of Contemporary Law in Arab Countries", Series: Law, WP BRP 92/LAW/2019

Natalia V. Rostovtseva "The Concept of Inheritance by Right of Representation: A Comparative Analysis of Civil Law in Russia and France", Series: Law, WP BRP 91/LAW/2019

Kirill Entin, Yulia Belous "The Role Of The Court Of Justice Of The European Union In The Development Of The Common Foreign And Security Policy After The Treaty Of Lisbon", Series: Law, WP BRP 90/LAW/2019

Dmitry L. Komyagin "Tax Farming – Pro ET Contra", Series: Law, WP BRP 89/LAW/2019

 Dmitry Poldnikov "Two Divergent Approaches To Comparative Legal Studies In Europe And Their Implications For Legal History", Series: Law, WP BRP 88/LAW/2019

 Vera Rusinova "A European Perspective On Privacy And Mass Surveillance At The Crossroads", Series: Law, WP BRP 87/LAW/2019

 Roman Yu. Pochekaev "New Bukhara: An “Island” Of Russia In Central Asia", Series: Law, WP BRP 86/LAW/2018

 Dmitry Poldnikov "The Rise of the Comparative Approach in Russian Legal Scholarship as a Factor in the Modernization of Civil Legislation, from Svod Zakonov of 1833 to the Draft Civil Code of 1905", Series: Law, WP BRP 85/LAW/2018

 Yuriy A. Tikhomirov, Tatyana N. Lobanova "The Individual’S Interests and Motives in Economics", Series: Law, WP BRP 84/LAW/2018

 Szymon Jankiewic, Nadezhda Knyaginina "The Language of the Republic at School: Who Decides?", Series: Law, WP BRP 83/LAW/2018

 Svetlana Chekhovskaya "A New Outline of Corporate Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 82/LAW/2018

 Kozyrin N. Aleksandr "A Forfeit in Accordance with the Russian Tax Law:A Means of Securing the Performance of Tax Duty or a Measure of Responsibility for a Violation of Tax Rules?", Series: Law, WP BRP 81/LAW/2018

 Dmitry Poldnikov "The Functional Method to Study General Part of Contract Law in Historical Perspective: Pro Et Contra", Series: Law, WP BRP 80/LAW/2018

 Dmitry Poldnikov "The Functional Method as the Staple of Comparative Studies of European Legal History in the Early 21st Century?", Series: Law, WP BRP 79/LAW/2018

 Yuriy A. Tikhomirov. Vladimir D. Churakov "Legal Tendencies in Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 78/LAW/2017

 Alexander Savelyev, "Copyright in the Blockchain Era: Promises and Challenges", Series: Law, WP BRP 77/LAW/2017

 Nadezhda Knyaginina, Szymon Jankiewicz "Religious Issues in Russian Schools: Legal View", Series: Law, WP BRP 76/LAW/2017

 Alexander A. Yalbulganov "Subsoil Use Payments and Their Functioning Regimes: the Experience of Legal Regulation in the Russian Federation", Series: Law, WP BRP 75/LAW/2017

 Dmitriy V. Korf, "Commodity Nomenclature and the Classification of Goods for Customs Purposes in the Eurasian Economic Union", Series: Law, WP BRP 74/LAW/2017


 Roman Yu. Pochekaev, “Water Law” as an Instrument of Russian Imperial Policy in the Central Asian Khanates", Series: Law, WP BRP 73/LAW/2017

 Leonid R. Sykiainen, "The Islamic Concept of Caliphate: Basic Principles and a Contemporary Interpretation", Series: Law, WP BRP 72/LAW/2017

Alexander Savelyev, "Contract Law 2.0: «Smart» Contracts as the Beginning of the End of Classic Contract Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 71/LAW/2016 (PDF, 536 Кб)

Andrei Yakovlev, Anton Kazun, Daniil Sitkevich, "The Role of Lawyers in Social Changes in Developing Countries: Evidence from Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 70/LAW/2016 (PDF, 841 Кб)

Maksim Karliuk, "The Limits of the Judiciary within the Eurasian Integration Process", Series: Law, WP BRP 69/LAW/2016 (PDF, 435 Кб)

Vladimir D. Churakov, "Regional Practice of Regulatory Impact Assessment", Series: Law, WP BRP 68/LAW/2016 (PDF, 444 Кб)

Andrey V. Makarov, «Anti-Competitive Agreements in Russian Courts (2008 - 2012): Antitrust Law Implementation and Interpetation», Series: Law, WP BRP 67/LAW/2016 (PDF, 734 Кб)
See the article.

Lorenzo Sasso, "Bank Capital Structure and Financial Innovation: Antagonists or Two Sides of the Same Coin?", Series: Law, WP BRP 66/LAW/2016 (PDF, 653 Кб)

Anton S. Selivanovsky, "Formation of the Credit Rating Agency Regulation in Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 65/LAW/2016 (PDF, 425 Кб)

Irina V. Getman-Pavlova, "The Founders of 16th Century Belgian Realism in Private International Law Doctrine", Series: Law, WP BRP 64/LAW/2016 (PDF, 466 Kb)

Konstantin Yu. Totyev, "Business Transaction Invalidity In the Context of the Principle of Legality", Series: Law, WP BRP 63/LAW/2016
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Mikhail Antonov
, "The Legal Conceptions of Hans Kelsen and Eugen Ehrlich: Weighing Human Rights and Sovereignty", Series: Law, WP BRP 62/LAW/2016
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Bulat V. Nazmutdinov,  The Concept of Law: A Brief Introduction to Jural Aspects of Classical Eurasianism,   Series: Law, WP BRP 61/LAW/2015
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Leonid R. Sykiainen, "Sharia Courts: Modern Practice and Prospectives in Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 60/LAW/2015
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Dmitry L. Komyagin, "Tax and Non-Tax Revenue of the Budget: What’S the Difference?", Series: Law, WP BRP 59/LAW/2015
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Svetlana Chekhovskaya
, "Corporate Governance Legal Issues", Series: Law, WP BRP 58/LAW/2015
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Tatiana A. Brazhnik
, "Changing Traditional Mechanisms of Russian Law: Protection of Means of Individualization on the Internet", Series: Law, WP BRP 57/LAW/2015
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Zinaida M. Pogosova

M Nizhnik, 

Henry Penikas, "The Decision-Making Process in Punishment Imposition: Four Factors of Public Perception in Russia",  Series: Law, WP BRP 56/LAW/2015
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Sergey P. Postylyakov

"Actual Problems of Determination Of The Objective Limits of the Prejudgment", Series: Law, WP BRP 55/LAW/2015
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Ruslan Nurullaev

"The Right to Be Forgotten in the European Union and Russia: Comparison and Criticism" Series: Law, WP BRP 54/LAW/2015
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Maksim Karliuk "The Eurasian Economic Union: An EU-Like Legal Order in the Post-Soviet Space?" Series: Law, WP BRP 53/LAW/2015
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Eduard P.Gavrilov
, "Legislation on Intellectual Property in the Russian Federation: Novels Introduced in the Civil Code of R.F. By the Federal Law of March 12, 2014 № 35 Fz", Series: Law, WP BRP 52/LAW/2015

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Marina G. Enadarova

Anna S. Petrik, "The Legal Regulation of the Customs Procedure of the Free Customs Zone in the Eurasian Economic Union", 

Series: Law, WP BRP 51/LAW/2015

See the abstract

Rodion Yu. Belkovich, "Secession Versus Self-Determination: Some Critical Remarks on Contemporary Theories", Series: Law, WP BRP 50/LAW/2015
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Leonid R. Sykiainen
, “Is Sharia Compatible with Contemporary Russian Law?”, Series: Law, WP BRP 49/LAW/2015 
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Mikhail V. Antonov, “Conservative Philosophy and the Doctrine of Sovereignty: A Necessary Connection?”,  Series: Law, WP BRP 48/LAW/2015
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Natalia Yu. Erpyleva
, "The Evolution of Conflict Regulation in Private International Law of Russia and Poland",  Series: Law, WP BRP 47/LAW/2015 
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Sergey V. Tretyakov, “The Non-Scalability Of The Concept Of Law—A Reply To Thomas Schultz”Series: Law, WP BRP 46/LAW/2015  
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Mikhail V. Antonov
, “Systemacity Of Law: A Phantasm?”, Series: Law, WP BRP 45/LAW/2015 
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Anton A. Varfolomeev, “The Reanimation Of Piracy: Challenges Of Adapting International Law Norms Into Russia’s Legal System”, Series: Law, WP BRP 44/LAW/2014 
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Roman Yu. Pochekaev, “Political And Legal Views Of Mikhail Speranskiy In “Rules On The Siberian Kirghiz”,Series: Law, WP BRP 43/LAW/2014
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Anton S. Selivanovskiy
, “Protection Of Investors: New Challenges For The Disclosure Of Information In The Securities Market In Russia”, Series: Law, WP BRP 42/LAW/2014
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Tatiana A. Brazhnik
, “How To Balance Interests: Comparative Legal Aspects On The Limitation Of Copyright In International Law”, Series: Law, WP BRP 41/LAW/2014
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Eduard A. Ivanov, “Mission Of The Order Of Malta As A Subject Of International Law In The 21st Century”, Series: Law, WP BRP 40/LAW/2014
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Mikhail S. Zhuravlev
, "Extending The Scope Of Antitrust Legislation Over The Area Of Exclusive Ip-Rights Exercise: Evidence From Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 39/LAW/2014
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Vera Rusinova
, "The Right To Life In Light Of The Integration Between The Norms Of International Humanitarian And Human Rights Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 38/LAW/2014

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Konstantin Yu. Totyev, "Russian Competition Law In Light Of The Principles Of Ex Post And Ex Ante", Series: Law, WP BRP 37/LAW/2014
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Marina O. Byanova
, "Labour Disputes: Issues Relating To Substantive Law And Procedure In The Legal Process", Series: Law, WP BRP 36/LAW/2014
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Alexander A. Yalbulganov, "Anti-Dumping Procedures In The Eurasec Customs Union", Series: Law, WP BRP 35/LAW/2014
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Mikhail Antonov
"Legal Systems Integrity In Philosophy", Series: Law, WP BRP 34/LAW/2014

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Mikhail Antonov
, "Eugen Ehrlich — State Law and Law Enforcement in Societal Systems", Series: Law, WP BRP 33/LAW/2014

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Andrey V. Kashanin
, "Debates on the criteria of copyrightability in the Russian legal literature", Series: Law, WP BRP 32/LAW/2014

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Sergey V. Tretyakov, "Between efficiency and effectiveness", Series: Law, WP BRP 31/LAW/2014

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Andrey V. Kashanin
, "The criteria of copyrightability used in Russian judicial practice", Series: Law, WP BRP 30/LAW/2014

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Mikhail A. Bashirov, "Cloud computing technologies: perspectives and challengesof business model application in Russia", Series: LAW, WP BRP 29/LAW/2013
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Alexander E. Chuvilin, "The soundness of judicial argumentation",  Series: Law, WP BRP 28/LAW/2013
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Nesterov A. V., "On expertocracy in Russia" Series: Law, WP BRP 27/LAW/2013
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Ekaterina Samokhina "The reasoning of Russian courts in cases connected with the protection of religious feelings",   Series: Law, WP BRP 26/LAW/2013

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S. Tumanova "SubjectivePublicRights in the Legal Philosophies of Russian Liberalism in the Early 20 th Century", Series: Law,WPBRP 25/LAW/2013

Mikhail Antonov
"The philosophy of sovereignty, human rights, And democracy in Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 24/LAW/2013
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Yury Fogelson "Contracts for the benefit of a third party: the problem of classification", Series: Law, WP BRP 23/LAW/2013
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Alexander Kozyrin "Customs regulation in the EurAsEC customs union and financial law development in the Russian federation", Series: Law, WP BRP 22/LAW/2013
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Mikhail Antonov "
The normativity of legal rules according to Eugen Ehrlich", Series: Law, WP BRP 21/LAW/2013
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Dmitry Poldnikov "The legacy of classical natural law in Russian dogmatic jurisprudence in the late 19th century", Series: Law, WP BRP 20/LAW/2013
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Elena Postnikova
"The scope of the freedom to provide services: prohibited restrictions", Series: Law, WP BRP 19/LAW/2013

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Rodion Belkovich
"Equitable commerce: the mediaeval origins of American anarchism", Series: Law, WP BRP 18/LAW/2013

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Leonid Sykiainen
"The Arab spring and Islamic legal thought", Series: Law, WP BRP 17/LAW/2013
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Dmitry Poldnikov
"Arguments from natural law reevaluated through a dialogue between legal history and legal theory", Series: Law, WP BRP 16/LAW/2013
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Rodion Belkovich "Paleoconservatism of the southern agrarians", Series: Law, WP BRP 15/LAW/2013
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Svetlana Vasileva "Business community and authorities: constitutional and legal forms of relationship", Series: Law, WP BRP 14/LAW/2013
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Irina Getman-Pavlova "The concept of “comity” in Ulrich Huber’s conflict doctrine", Series: Law, WP BRP 13/LAW/2013
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Natalia Erpyleva "Proceedings with participation of foreign persons in international procedural law of Russia and Kazakhstan", Series: Law, WP BRP 12/LAW/2013
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Sergey Tretyakov
Economic efficiency as a model of the social context of the conceptualization of the law", Series: Law, WP BRP 11/LAW/2013
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Mikhail Antonov
"Global legal pluralism: A new way of legal thinking", Series: Law, WP BRP 10/LAW/2013
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Alexander Savelyev "Open sourse: the Russian experience (legislation and practice)", Series: Law, WP BRP 09/LAW/2013
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Eduard Ivanov "Extension of International Jurisdiction over Crimes Committed by International Terrorist Organisations ",  Series: Law, WP BRP 08/LAW/2012
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 Mikhail Antonov "Executing the Decisions of Foreign Courts and the Question of Sovereignty in Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 07/LAW/2012
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 Anatoly Nesterov "Expertics (general theory of expertise)", Series: Law, WP BRP 06/LAW/2012
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 Tatiana Borisova "The Legitimacy of the Bolshevik Order, 1917-1918: Language Usage in Revolutionary Russian Law", Series: Law, WP BRP 05/LAW/2012
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Tatiana Borisova "Legislation as a Source of Law in Late Imperial Russia", Series: Law, WP BRP 04/LAW/2012
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Tatiana Borisova "The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire: the Phenomenon of Autocratic Legality", Series: Law, WP BRP 03/LAW/2012
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 Mikhail Antonov "Theoretical Issues of Sovereignty in Russia", Series:  Law, WP BRP 02/LAW/2012
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Vitaly Kalyatin "Problems of Database Protection in the Russian Federation", Sеries: Law, WP BRP 01/LAW/2011
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 Any opinions or claims contained in these Working Papers do not necessarily reflect the views of HSE


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