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Address: St. Petersburg, 55 Sedova Ulitsa, Korpus 2, room 322
SPIN-RSCI: 6218-4590
ORCID: 0000-0002-5951-3682
ResearcherID: K-5885-2015
Scopus AuthorID: 12774575000
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A. M. Khodachek
Y. Krupets
N. Nartova
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Elena L. Omelchenko

  • Elena L. Omelchenko has been at HSE University since 2019.

Education and Degrees

  • 2005

    Doctor of Sciences* in Sociology of Culture
    Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • 1983

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)
    Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • 1982

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 1982

    Doctoral programme
    Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.

Awards and Accomplishments

Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2021

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)


Editorial board membership

2009: Member of the Editorial Council, Laboratorium: Журнал социальных исследований (Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research).


  • 2023
    XXIV Ясинская (Апрельская) международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Миграционные намерения молодежи Северо-Западного региона России в контексте их карьерных и жизненных планов
  • XIII Международная Грушинская социологическая конференция «Переустройство мира: исследования (в) новой реальности». Presentation: Воображая границы: карьерные планы и миграционные намерения молодежи северо-западного региона России
  • Международная научная конференция «Цивилизационное своеобразие современных обществ в условиях глобальных, региональных и локальных трансфигураций (100-летию со дня рождения Шмуэля Н. Эйзенштадта (1923–2010) посвящается) (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Воображаемые горизонты будущего. Жизненные ориентиры и миграционные планы молодежи Северо-Западного региона России
  • 2022
    Юбилейная конференция СПАС "Тревожное общество и (не)возможности солидарности" (Онлайн). Presentation: «Унижение, стыд и мука»: бессмысленное (серое) насилие заключенных в контексте иерархий власти российской тюремной системы
  • Международная конференция Центра молодежных исследований «Молодежь между прошлым и будущим: транзиции, поколения, вовлеченности» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Безответная любовь? Молодежь, родина и государство
  • 2021
    Молодежь в глобальной повестке. Молодежная политика: мировой и региональный опыт (Казань). Presentation: Пленарный доклад: Ценностные миры молодых россиян. Опыт исследования культурных молодежных сцен шести российских городов
  • St. Petersburg International Conference on Inequality and Diversity (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: A “sense of place” or a “call of duty”: discussion on youth educational migration in Russia
  • St. Petersburg International Conference on Inequality and Diversity (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: A “sense of place” or a “call of duty”: discussion on youth educational migration in Russia
  • 2020
    VII Международный конгресс социологов тюркского мира (Казань). Presentation: Молодежные культурные сцены российских городов в сравнительной этнорелигиозной перспективе
  • X Грушинская социологическая конференция «Жить в России. Жить в мире. Социология повседневности» (Москва). Presentation: Противоречивая картина ценностных миров молодых россиян. Опыт исследования культурных молодежных сцен шести российских городов
  • Санкт-Петербургская конференция по неравенству и многообразию (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Youth in the City: Cultures, Scenes, and Solidarities
  • 2019
    BASEES. Russian Readings. Crime and Punishment: The geographies of penitentiary system in (post) Soviet Russia (Oxford). Presentation: Измерение системы наказания в российских колониях, сравнение мужских и женских колоний
  • III Форум полевых интервьюеров (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Гендерное измерение структур различия и исключения в мужских колониях
  • Международная юбилейная конференция МОЛОДЕЖЬ В XXI ВЕКЕ: МНОЖЕСТВЕННОСТЬ И РАЗЛИЧИЕ (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Город как сцена. Молодежные профили российских городов: от Санкт-Петербурга до Улан-Удэ
  • The fourth Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference (Rovaniemi). Presentation: City as a scene. Young people’s profiles in Russian cities: from Saint-Petersburg to Ulan-Ude
  • XIII Ковалевские чтения "Молодежь XXI века: образ будущего" (Москва). Presentation: Российская молодежь как новый гражданский субъект: анализ городский практик и сообществ
  • Будущее социологического знания и вызовы социальных трансформаций (к 90-летию со дня рождения В.А. Ядова) (Москва). Presentation: Ценностные профили молодежных сообществ российских городов
  • Стать взрослым в современном обществе: исследования практик взросления и представлений о зрелости (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: «Взросление» в современных молодежных исследованиях: методологические рефлексии и опыт изучения
  • Тревожное общество и сенситивная социология (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Культурные молодежные сцены в этнорелигиозном измерении
  • «Молодежные культуры 2.0: образы, пространства, практики» (Ульяновск). Presentation: Приветственное слово
  • 2018
    Международная молодёжная научная конференция «Молодежь Европы и России» (Томск). Presentation: «Российская молодежь в сравнительной европейской перспективе: глобальные тренды и локальные идентичности»
  • XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Молодежные субкультуры в России: 25 лет между андеграундом и попсой
  • XVII Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2018 Youth Cultures and Well-Being (Хельсинки). Presentation: Anime and street workout youth cultural scenes in Makhachkala
  • The 18th Annual Aleksanteri Conference "Liberation-Freedom-Democracy? 1918-1968-2018" (Хельсинки). Presentation: Youth cultures in contemporary Russia: contexts, dynamics, concepts
  • Национализм, империя и государство (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Палитра патриотических настроений городской молодежи: от борцов за моральный порядок до повседневной гражданственности
  • 2017
    Международная конференция ЦНСИ «По ту сторону…» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: «Суб/культурный пере-дел: защита и/ли нападение?»
  • XI Всероссийская конференция памяти Ю. Левады (Москва). Presentation: Сессия 1. Секция "Мягкие" методы в изучении гендера и телесности
  • 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities (Афины). Presentation: Youth subcultures in Russia: 25 years between underground and pop-cultures
  • «Тревожное общество: о чём (не) говорит социология» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Молодежные субкультуры России: 25 лет между андеграундом и попсой
  • Городские молодежные культуры: солидарности, креативность, активизм (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Региональные различия городских молодежных культурных сцен в России
  • 2016
    Конференция в ННГУ им. Лобачевского «Социально-политическое измерение социальных наук о жизни: вопросы теории и исследовательских практик» (Нижний Новгород). Presentation: Молодежные солидарности в современной России: история, практики, актуальные тренды
  • Международная конференция "Молодёжь Центральной Азии" (Алматы). Presentation: Особенности исследовательских практик в изучении молодежи. Обзор опыта Центра молодежных исследований(НИУ ВШЭ)
  • XVII Апрельская МНК по проблемам развития экономики и общества (НИУ ВШЭ) (Москва). Presentation: Молодежные культуры в современной России: память, политика, солидарности

  • Growing Up and Global Austerity: comparing youth opportunities, aspirations and civic values around the world (Лондон). Presentation: Right and wrongcitizens: The reconfiguration of citizenship as patriotic duty in contemporary Russia 
  • ISTR's 12th International Conference College "The Third Sector in Transition: Accountability, Transparency, and Social Inclusion" (Стокгольм). Presentation: Who is real citizen?’: political mobilization, moral regulation and youth activities in contemporary Russia
  • 16-й ежегодная конференция в Университете Хельсинки "Жизнь и смерть в России" (Хельсинки). Presentation: Urban Youth Cultural Scenes in Russia: Regional Differences
  • Promoting Youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for ‘conflicted’ young people across Europe, Kick-off Meeting (Манчестер). Presentation: Young people as agents of social change: efficacy and capacity in driving social change
  • LLAKES Research Conference « University of Manchester Right and wrong citizens: The reconfiguration of citizenship as patriotic duty in contemporary Russia» (Лондон). Presentation: “Growing Up and Global Austerity: comparing youth opportunities, aspirations and civic values around the world”
  • 2015
    Seventh CRCEES Annual Research Forum (Glasgow). Presentation: The Prison and the Women: Russian Case
  • Международная конференция "Пересматривая профессионализм: вызовы и реформы социального государства" (Москва). Presentation: «Потребляю – следовательно, существую?»: установки и практики потребления городской молодежью разных сфер занятости
  • Journal of Youth Studies Conference (Копенгаген). Presentation: Russian young people narratives on the historical past in the intergenerational perspective
  • 2014
    ASEEES-CESS Joint Regional Conference (Astana). Presentation: Возможности и ограничения междисциплинарных исследований в отношении молодежи на пространстве бывшего СССР
  • XV Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Солидарности и культурные практики российской молодежи начала 21 века: теоретический контекст и эмпирические находки
  • 2013
    The fourth Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference (Rovaniemi). Presentation: City as a scene. Young people’s profiles in Russian cities: from Saint-Petersburg to Ulan-Ude
  • The fourth Rovaniemi Arctic Spirit Conference (Rovaniemi). Presentation: City as a scene. Young people’s profiles in Russian cities: from Saint-Petersburg to Ulan-Ude

The Laboratory staff held a section within the framework of the Grushin Sociological Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy Valentina Iarskaia-Smirnova

Last week the XIV Grushin Sociological Conference “Metamorphoses of Society and the Research Industry: New Challenges” took place, within the framework of which on April 12 our laboratory held the section “Space and Time of Social Change”.

‘We Managed to Capture the Diverse Landscape of Higher Education in India’

A delegation from HSE University in St Petersburg has visited universities in India. HSE representatives attended eight universities, and held meetings with management, teachers, and researchers. Here, participants talk about their impressions, cooperation agreements and some cultural peculiarities of India.

Elena Omelchenko, Director of the Center for Youth Studies, is a laureate of the People's Prize

On January 23, the XX annual ceremony of awarding the People's Prize "Bright Past" was held. The 2024 laureate is Elena Omelchenko, a leading specialist in the field of youth sociology, Director of the Center for Youth Studies, Professor of the Department of Sociology at the HSE – St. Petersburg.

The Mirror Laboratories have been extended for three years!

The HSE Center for Youth Studies and the KFU Laboratory of Sociological Research will continue to work together on the project "Educational migration of students from small towns and villages to megacities. Social inclusion as a way to increase sustainability: barriers, strategies, successful practices".

The role of youth in the innovative development of the city: a new project of the Centre for Youth studies

The focus will be on young professionals from the regions involved in creative industries and contributing to the development of their cities. Creative industries include cultural heritage, art, media industry and functional creativity.

Loneliness in the Big City: Resource or Biographical Drama?

Moving to a new city often leads to temporary loneliness and a loss of familiar surroundings. This means that young people who move to a new place must find ways to adapt quickly. Can loneliness become a resourceful state, or does it suppress resourcefulness? Sociologists from HSE University-St Petersburg and Kazan Federal University (KFU) discussed this issue during the seminar 'SOC Up', which was based on research conducted as part of the Mirror Laboratory initiative.

'Sociologists Need to Know How to Work Both with People and Data'

The Bachelor's programme 'Sociology and Social Informatics' is well suited to those interested in public processes, people's lives and data analysis. The programme offers state-funded places and fee-paying places for foreign students. We talked about the specifics and advantages of the programme with its academic supervisor Anna Nemirovskaya.

What Awaits Participants of the Winter School 2022

Next weekend, February 19 and 20, HSE – St. Petersburg will host an annual event for those who plan to enrol in the campus master's programmes – the Winter School. Participants will be able to get acquainted with educational opportunities and attend open lectures by famous speakers – Pavel Barakaev, Sergey Mardanov, Vladimir Knyaginin, and others. In this article, we will tell you what has been included in the Winter School 2022.

CYS gets a three-year grant from the Russian Science Foundation

The project " The choice of life strategies by talented young people and their role in enhancing the competitiveness of Russian regions as a response to global challenges of the "brain drain" is supported within the 2021 call for proposals for grants from the Russian Science Foundation "Conducting basic research and exploratory scientific research by individual scientific groups". Congratulations!

The results of the project “Anti-crisis Potential of Youth Policies in Russia and Europe”

The project " Anti-crisis Potential of Youth Policies in Russia and Europe in the Era of Global Risks: National Imaginary, Patriotism and Social Engagement" is almost over. In the course of the project, researchers conducted a comparative analysis of youth policies achieving anti-crisis solutions in Germany, Finland, Great Britain, Greece, and Russia. The results of the study were presented at seminars, conferences, and roundtables dedicated to youth and youth policy.

Communications, Creativity and Critical Thinking — What Have the Students Learnt in the Course of the Skills4Future Programme

November 18 a metaprogramme Skills4Future came to a close at HSE University  - St Petersburg. During a month participants were working on problematic tasks and projects devoted to the involvement of the youth in the life of the city, developing the concept of the festival for the Russian Museum of Ethnography, studying the cultural scenes of Saint Petersburg and the influence of coronavirus on the society. Let’s see what results the students managed to achieve.

RFBR project team participates in the discussion of the federal law on the youth policy draft

On November 10 an online meeting "Youth and youth policy: conceptualization in the new realm" took place. It was attended by researchers of youth policy, heads of youth centers, representatives of youth non-profit organizations, as well as officials of executive authorities. The main agenda of the meeting was a discussion of the federal law draft on youth policy.

Non scholae, sed vitae

At the end of October, the Metaprogramme 'Skills4Future' will launch at HSE University - St Petersburg. Participants of the programme will have the opportunity to boost their communication, teamwork, creative, and critical thinking skills. In laboratory courses of the programme, students will learn why it is important to study cultural scenes of St Petersburg, how contemporary youth behaves in the city, and how the coronavirus pandemic has changed society.

First Steps Toward a Lasting Partnership

Specialists of the HSE Centre for Youth Studies met with colleagues from the University of Georgia to discuss prospects for collaboration. They discussed the possibilities for development of academic exchange, summer schools, internships and a ‘Social Analysis of Youth’ track in the Master’s programme ‘Modern Social Analysis’.

Youth Communities of Dagestan

Street workout and anime scenes in Makhachkala

Scientists From HSE Awarded New Grants from RSF

The Russian Science Foundation has announced the most recent winners of three-year grants for scientific research. Among the recipients are a number of projects carried out by scientists at the Higher School of Economics.

Successful Russian-Finnish cooperation continues

There was Russian-Finnish seminar in St. Petersburg 7-9 September hosted by CYS. The project "Digital youth and media city", supported by the Kone Foundation, was discussed there.

New reports of the CYS researchers at the European Sociological Association conference

Elena Omelchenko, Guzel Sabirova and Nadezhda Vasilyeva took part in the 13th annual conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)making of Europe: capitalism, solidarities, subjectivities"

"What the thing is the youth?"

Discussion in the "Grazhdanin politolog" was began with such question

CYS gifted CISR by excellent performances

May 24-26, the Centre of Independent Social Researches celebrated its 25th anniversary by the international conference "Beyond..."

Youth subcultures: what are they now?

From 30 November to 1 December 2017, the international conference "Urban youth cultures: solidarity, creativity, activism" will take place as part of the project "Creative Fields of Interethnic Cooperation and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities" (Russian Science Foundation, 2015-2017), implemented by the Center for Youth Studies (CYS) at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. The research of the CYS always produces interesting results, so we turned to the director of the Center Professor Elena Omelchenko to find out more about the upcoming event.

New publication from CYS team

An article in Eastern European Youth Cultures in a Global Context has been published by Elena Omelchenko and Guzel Sabirova under title: Youth Cultures in Contemporary Russia: Memory, Politics, Solidarities

Researchers from HSE Centre for Youth Studies Traveled to Finland

Elena Omelchenko, Yana Krupets, and Guzel Sabirova came back from Helsinki with good news. Their trip has expanded the framework for cooperation with colleagues from Finland.

Work trip to Makhachkala

Elena Omelchenko, Guzel Sabirova and Dmitry Omelchenko went to the capital of Dagestan to carry out expert interviews and preliminary design the field phase of RSF project

Centre for Youth Studies in Glasgow

The Centre for Youth Studies’ long-term and productive cooperation with the University of Glasgow and the Centre for East European and Russian Studies is still underway. At an annual research forum the university hosted in Glasgow, six researchers from HSE’s Centre for Youth Studies presented papers at a separate panel devoted exclusively to the Centre’s work.

Centre for Youth Studies in Glasgow

The Centre for Youth Studies’ long-term and productive cooperation with the University of Glasgow and the Centre for East European and Russian Studies is still underway. At an annual research forum the university hosted in Glasgow, six researchers from HSE’s Centre for Youth Studies presented papers at a separate panel devoted exclusively to the Centre’s work.

Centre for Youth Studies in Glasgow

The Centre for Youth Studies’ long-term and productive cooperation with the University of Glasgow and the Centre for East European and Russian Studies is still underway. At an annual research forum the university hosted in Glasgow, six researchers from HSE’s Centre for Youth Studies presented papers at a separate panel devoted exclusively to the Centre’s work.

Age display and intergenerational memory: Conference in Copenhagen

Elena Omelchenko and Jana Krupets made presentations at the conference, organized by the "Youth Studies" magazine, one of the leading printed editions in the field of youth research. The conference was held from March 31 to April 1 in the capital of Denmark - Copenhagen.

Elena Omelchenko and Guzel Sabirova in European Univercity of Saint-Petersburg: Prison as a part of women's biographies

What gender dispositions are usually appear in the space of women's prison? What resources women prisoners use to defend their dignity, to develop sincerity and trust in a system of disciplinary humiliation? How do women’s networks of support for their imprisoned relatives form? These and other questions were addressed in the presentation Elena Omelchenko and Guzel Sabirova dedicated to the publishing of the second volume of the book: Close to prison: identity and everyday life of imprisoned relatives. (“Aleteya” Saint-Petersburg, 2014)

Elena Omelchenko's research project on Russian prisons has been supported by Scientific Foundation of HSE

Science Foundation of HSE supported the individual grant project on the study of inequality in Russian prisons (project manager - Elena Omelchenko).

Members of SYC held lectures at the University of Tampere

Elena Omelchenko and Guzel Sabirova on January, 15th read one-day lectures to students of the program "Diversity of youth cultures in Russia" at University of Tampere (Finland) 
https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm? id = 28373

Postgraduate Students in Sociology Focus on Youth Research

Elena Omelchenko, Director of the Centre for Youth Studies and Head of the Department of Sociology at the HSE Campus in St. Petersburg, speaks about plans for postgraduate training at the Centre.

Postgraduate Students in Sociology Focus on Youth Research

Elena Omelchenko, Director of the Centre for Youth Studies and Head of the Department of Sociology at the HSE Campus in St. Petersburg, speaks about plans for postgraduate training at the Centre and international cooperation avenues.

Young People Live in the Present

Experts from the HSE Centre of Youth Studies in St. Petersburg presented the results of research about young people in 14 European countries, including Russia. The study was a part of an international project MYPLACE: Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement.