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Evgenya Abelyuk

  • Evgenya Abelyuk has been at HSE University since 2010.



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

1999 - 2001 – The Improvement of Qualification: Philological analysis of the text (MIROS - Moscow Institute of the Development of Education)

2005 - The Improvement of qualification: Modern methods of text’s analys (NIIRO - Research Institute of the Development of Education)

2012 - The Improvement of qualifications: Forms of work with motivated and gifted children: research activities of schoolchildren, preparation for the Olympiad (Moscow State University, Philological Department)

2015 - The Internship in France. The internship was organized by the “French Language magazine” (“The First September” Publishing House) and the “Maria” Association, approved by the French Embassy's Cooperation Department in the field of education in Russia.

2018 – Professional Development: Formation of the initial skills of literary research among students in the process of interpretation and analysis a work of art (Center for Social and Humanitarian Education – license for educational activities – N 5386 dated February 26 2014, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science  of the Republic Tatarstan).

2019 – Continuing education: Topical issues of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature in the Context and Structure of Education/ The Certificate was issued by the Institute for Education Development of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Region (N 39270030933, registration number 30883).

2021 – Advanced Training at the Center for Innovative Additional Education “Smart Metodology”, license for educational activities – N 15, series 55Л01 N 0001257, of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region  (Certificate of Advanced Training N 552410982225).




Awards and Accomplishments

Best Teacher – 2022, 2021, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)


In the field of philological education:

1) Creation principles for the management of schoolchildren's research activities (since the early 1980s). Result: articles and the book on this topic.

2) Creation the Concept and the Program on Literary education of students. Result: publication of the developed materials,  approbation of these materials (during 10 years), guidance of the courses for upgrading of teachers (MIROS).
Creation of the course "Poetics" in the humanitarian classes of the secondary school. Result: Publication the program and publish the textbook  (in co-authorship by K. Polivanov).

4) Creation of the course "Mythology" in the humanitarian classes of secondary school. Result: Publication the Program and 4 textbooks.

5) Development of the concept of Internet courses on literature and the World Art. Creation of appropriate courses of basic and in-depth types for the 10th and 11th grades of the secondary school (“Teleskola” “Prosveshchenie.RU”)

6) Creation the Concept of Philological Education (Variative Literature Teaching) and specification of the latest generation standard.

7) Creation of the line of textbooks on literature for grades 5-11 in the publishing house "Prosveshchenie") (co-authored by O. Smirnova, N. Shapiro, E. Leenson, M. Pavlova, K. Polivanov). Result: The textbooks were passed the Expert Council, and their publication was being prepared.

In the field of the history of the director's theater:
1) There was experience of verbal reconstruction of the performances of the Taganka Theater, as well as the reconstruction of the history of this theater based on the analysis of archival documents. Result: The monograph (in co-authorship by E.Leenson, with the participation of Yu. Lyubimov).

2) The first scientific biography of Yu. Lyubimov (it was published).
3) There was an experience of studying the history of theatrical censorship of the Soviet era. Result: publication of the relevant chapter in the monograph.

4) There was an experience of studying the letters of viewers of performances Yu. Lyubimova. Result: articles was published.
5) There was an experience of scientific supervision of the exhibition "The century of  Lyubimov".

6) There is an experience of studying the history of theatrical censorship of the Soviet era. Result: the publication of the relevant chapter in the monograph.

7) There is an experience of studying the letters of viewers of performances Yu.P. Lyubimova. Result: published articles.

8) Project "Visual commentary on the Soviet literature" (subproject of the BP School of Philological Sciences) (since 2021)



  • 2021
    Поэтический театр (Москва). Presentation: "Берегите ваши лица" А. Вознесенского: поэт в поисках сценического языка
  • XII Международная научная конференция Государственного Музея М.А. Булгакова «Михаил Булгаков в потоке российской истории XX–XXI веков» (Москва). Presentation: Бляха дворника и позумент швейцара: о визуальном комментарии к повести «Собачье сердце»
  • Наука о Достоевском и практика преподавания в школе и вузе (Москва). Presentation: "Преступление и наказание" на Таганке: воплощение литературоведческой концепции на сцене
  • Театр и драма: эстетический опыт эпохи (Новосибирск). Presentation: Проект "Цифровой универсальный комментарий"
  • 2020
    Четырнадцатые Международные научные чтения "Театральная книга между прошлым и будущим" (Москва). Presentation: Спектакль "Ю.П.Любимова "Преступление и наказание" - инсценировка романа или работ Ю.Ф. Карякина? (на примере семи сценических интерпретаций).
  • Педагогика текста (С.-Петербург). Presentation: Литературоведческое творчество школьников и формирование читательской культуры.
  • 2019
    Национальный театр в контексте многонациональной культуры (Москва). Presentation: Михоэлс-Лир в исследованиях К.Рудницкого и Б.Зингермана
  • XLVIII Международная филологическая научная конференция, СЦЕНА/ТЕКСТ (С.-Петербург). Presentation: От поэтической композиции Андрея Вознесенского "Берегите ваши лица" к поэтическому спектаклю Ю.П.Любимова
  • Театр и время (Москва). Presentation: Об проекте "Театрализованная лекция" для студентов НИУ ВШЭ
  • 2018
    Эхо 68 года. Пятьдесят лет спустя (Москва). Presentation: История постановки и запрета спектакля Ю.П.Любимова "Берегите ваши лица" (по стихам А.Вознесенского)
  • Девятнадцатые Тыняновские чтения (Москва). Presentation: Сценарий А.Вознесенского "Берегите ваши лица: поэт в поисках театральной телесности
  • 2017
    Личность и творчество А.И. Солженицына в современном искусстве и литературе. К 100-летнему юбилею А.И. Солженицына (Москва). Presentation: Роман А.И. Солженицына «В круге первом» в спектакле Ю.П. Любимова «Шарашка»
  • «Юрий Любимов. Театр Жизни» (Москва). Presentation: Репертуар Театра на Таганке и Художественный Совет театра
  • 2016

    ВСТРЕЧА ПОКОЛЕНИЙ Демидов и Шаламов. Житие Георгия на фоне Варлама (Москва). Presentation: Историко-культурный комментарий к рассказу Г. Демидова «Убей немца!»

  • Михаил Булгаков и музыка (Москва). Presentation: Булгаковские сюжеты в жизни и творчестве Ю.П. Любимова
  • 2014
    Творчество Юрия Любимова в отечественном и мировом театре (Москва). Presentation: Литературные и исторические источники спектаклей Ю. П. Любимова
  • Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Дети и общество: социальная реальность и новации» (Москва). Presentation: От чего зависят мнения школьников – попытка сочетания количественных и качественных методов.
  • 2011
    Международная конференция "Белые чтения" (Москва). Presentation: Как писать историю советской литературы?
  • 2006
    Театральная пьеса. Создание и бытование (Москва). Presentation: Из истории одного ненаписанного сценария (ленинская тема в спектакле Театра на Таганке "На все вопросы отвечает Ленин")

Timetable for today

Full timetable

Digital Publications: Present and Future

Anastasiya Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics and Head of the Master’s in Digital Humanities, took part in the first webinar of the UniverCities and Culture series held by the University Network of European Capitals of Culture and the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA) on November 17. She spoke about The Digital Tolstoy Initiative, a joint effort by linguists, philologists, and programmers to develop a digital 'semantic' edition of Leo Tolstoy's complete works. In her interview, Dr Bonch-Osmolovskaya talks about the initiative and other digital humanities projects at HSE University