10th Russian Comics Conference 'The World of Comics'
March 28-29, 2025
The organisers accept proposals in the following topics:
- Semiotic approach in comics;
- Image of Russia and Russian heroes in comics from abroad;
- Representation of mythology and traditional folklore in comics
They also welcome reports into Asian, American, European, and Slavic comics, as well as comic-related art forms, such as animation, anime, film comics, lubok, etc.
April 8-9, 2025
The organisers invite to participate specialists working in the spheres of education, health care and social protection, representatives of non-profit organizations, public organizations and volunteer associations, psychologists and psychotherapists and other interested participants, researchers and practitioners in the field of adolescence.
Scientific Student Conference 'The Youth in Science: Challenges and Prospects'
April 15, 2025
The aim of the conference is to encourage talented and ambitious students to share their research results on acute academic issues.
XXV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
April 15-18, 2025
The Conference programme will focus on the following key academic themes:
- Economics;
- Human Capital and Society;
- Instrumental Methods and Models in Management and the Social Sciences;
- Foresight Research;
- International Relations.
V International Scientific and Practical Conference 'АВТОР/AUTHOR – 2025'
- April 21-22, 2025
- Representatives of relevant government authorities, the Intellectual Property Rights Court, creative unions, authors societies, as well as prominent Russian and foreign jurists, patent attorneys, lawyers, inventors, public figures are invited to participate in the conference, as well as students, graduate students, teachers and researchers.
XV International Conference on Network Analysis
May 19-20, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod
The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists and engineers from industry, government, and universities to exchange knowledge and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and practice of network analysis.
7th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference
May 23-24, 2025
Th eorganisers invite economists, demographers, sociologists, political scientists and public health scholars to present their research based on the RLMS HSE data.
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