Summer Schools 2013
- Summer Language Schools for International Students (Nizhny Novgorod)
- HSE Public Policy Spring Schools for prospective students (Moscow)
- June 10–August 2:Summer School of Russian 2013 (Moscow)
- June 20–25: 4th LSCR Summer School 'Designing a mixed-method research in cross-cultural psychology' (Moscow region)
- July 8–14: Urban project: from idea towards implementation (Perm)
- July 22–27: 2nd International Summer School on Intellectual Capital (Perm)
- July 28 – August 4: Baltic Practice 2013 (Karelia)
- August 6-14: Politics of Nature (Lapland)
- August 15–22: International Summer School on Social Network Analysis (St. Petersburg)
- August 18–30: Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis (MCFA) and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) in MPLUS (Zelenogorsk)
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