Oleg O. Zamkov
- Assistant Professor, Deputy Director: International College of Economics and Finance
- Programme Academic Supervisor: International Programme in Economics and Finance
- Oleg O. Zamkov has been at HSE University since 1997.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7(495) 772-9590 *27080 - Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room T811
- Supervisor
- S. Yakovlev
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Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Continuing Education
1991 Tilburg Universuty, programme of retraining
1992,1995,1996 London School of Economics & Political Science, Summer School
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2014
Best Academic Supervisor in the category ‘International Admissions’ — 2024
Courses (2024/2025)
- Econometrics (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Econometrics (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Econometrics (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 4 year, 2-4 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Elements of Econometrics (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Elements of Econometrics (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar (Bachelor’s programme; International College of Economics and Finance field of study Economics; 4 year, 2-4 module)Eng
Predictors of Academic Achievement and their Possible Applications. Analytrics. Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society. Paris, 17-19 July 2008.
Comparability of Assessment of Students Studying for Two Degrees from Two Universities. European Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2009, "Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research". Vienna, 28-30 September 2009.
Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society (Paris, France), July 17 - 19, 2009; "Predictors of Academic Achievement and Their Possible Applications."
XVII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow, Russia), April 21, 2016; “The Influence of Additional Individual Achievements and Peer-Effects on ICEF Students’ Academic Performance” joint with O. Nechaeva.
ICEF Research Seminars
October 15, 2009
"Academic Achievement, its Predictors and Applications: the case of ICEF and UoL"
Total number of publications is over 60. Monographs, articles and textbooks were published in Russia, USA and Japan. Articles were published in such journals as Economics and Mathematical Methods, Matekon, EKO and others.
Predictors of Academic Achievement and their Possible Applications. Policy Futures in Education. Volume 7, Number 4, 2009. (With D. Lokshin).
Employment history
1979-1997 – Moscow State University, Associate Professor
1997 till present – Deputy Director of the HSE International College of Economics and Finance
ICEF Academia Welcomes New Students
Alongside their core curriculum many ICEF students pursue a programme in which they deepen knowledge of their chosen field, engage in scientific debate, and prepare for careers in academia. This programme is known as ICEF Academia and in 2024 it opened its doors to a new group of students.
Earlier in October, the team of ICEF Academia met with its new students to present the teachers, the perspective lines of research, as well as the design and delivery mode of the courses and what rewards there are to celebrate the top-performing students.
New Teacher Orientation Seminars 2024
Traditionally conducted by the ICEF Center for Learning Technologies, the orientation seminars are delivered to all newly hired teachers regardless of their previous experience whether as lecturers or seminar teachers.
Big celebration! ICEF Held the Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s and Master’s Class of 2024
Hosted in HSE Cultural Center, the ceremony welcomed in its crowded hall 200+ graduates who were joined by their parents, faculty, leaders of HSE and ICEF, and guests.
HSE University and Top Chinese Universities: Partnership Based on Mutual Respect and Trust
In mid-April 2024 representatives of several leading universities in China visited HSE University in Moscow. A delegation from Dalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL), led by Rector Liu Hong, came to sign a cooperation and exchange agreement, while representatives of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), led by Board Member and Vice President Chao Qiuling, discussed expanding potential areas of interaction within the existing cooperation and exchange agreement.
ICEF, a Place That Feels Good To Come Back To
For the graduates, faculty, staff and management of ICEF, the grand Pre-Christmas Meeting has become an indispensable part of New Year celebrations. A traditions established by ICEF over the years of its existence, it turns ICEF into an attractive place where the nation’s young leaders of finance, real economy and IT industry meet for a festive get-together.
Orientation Seminars for ICEF’s Newly Recruited Teachers
Traditionally hosted by ICEF Teaching and Learning Center, the orientation seminars are designed to provide onboarding experience to all newly recruited academic staff whether with or without previous experience as lecturers or seminar hosts.
We Wish You All a Great Year: ICEF Freshmen Welcome Event
On 31 August, ICEF’s newly enrolled undergraduate students gathered at HSE campus on Pokrovsky Boulevard for the Freshmen Welcome Event. Following the presentation of the learning process, university policies and on-campus activities, the students have been issued their Student ID Cards. The briefing covered also the class schedule and other essential aspects about ICEF, but most importantly it encouraged everyone to meet one another.
Oleg Zamkov Receives Outstanding Service Award from HSE Leaders
The recent meeting of HSE Academic Council, held in-person on the 21st June, witnessed the official ceremony of presenting badges of honour and, for the first time in HSE’s history, HSE Distinguished Service Medals. Among the recipients of the Badge of Honour (Second Class) was Oleg Zamkov, ICEF BSc Programme Academic Supervisor.
ICEF Attends Sabanci University International Partnership Week
May 22-26, HSE delegation had been on a visit to Sabanсi University International Partnership Week. Based in Istanbul, Sabanсi University is one of Turkey’s leading research schools in the field of economics and social sciences. Attending the venue were also Sabanсi University’s partners in Asia and Latin America, particularly Israel, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, and Peru among other countries.
ICEF Academia Welcomes New Cohort at Presentation Meeting
ICEF Academia offers its students advanced courses, research opportunities, access to scientific debate, and more in-depth training for academic careers. Its courses are taken alongside core curriculum. Presenting ICEF Academia to the new cohort of students were its leaders, teachers, and ICEF graduate Andrey Voronin, who shared his experience of gaining admission to PhD programme at UCLA (USA).
ICEF Celebrates the Freshers’ Day
Led by the managers of ICEF and its bachelor’s degree programme, the event has introduced the newly admitted students to ICEF, its organization of teaching, alumni community and how and where to seek support and assistance. The day involved the tour of the campus where the students met with their tutors and got advice from seniors.
Introduction to Teaching Workshop at ICEF
Traditionally organized by ICEF Center for Educational Technologies, Introduction to Teaching workshops are designed for teachers who are new to ICEF and are to be taken by all new teachers regardless of their previous experience as lecturers or seminar tutors.
Life After ICEF: Our People at the University of Amsterdam
Earlier in April 2022, Shahlo Islamova, one of ICEF’s brightest graduates of the class of 2021, received a letter confirming her acceptance to the University of Amsterdam’s master’s programme in Corporate Finance with full scholarship.
Students of HSE Double-Degree Programmes Top London Exams Again
The results of exams organized by the University of London (UoL) and the London School of Economics (LSE, a constituent college of UoL) have been announced. Students of HSE ICEF, the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Relations (WEIA) and the HSE Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) have achieved the highest grades in a variety of subjects and confirmed their reputation as the top representatives of international programmes. Fourteen HSE students received awards for their academic achievements.
ICEF Academia held a welcome meeting for its new enrollment
Alongside with the core curriculum,ICEF Academia offers its students more advanced courses, research and scientific debate opportunities, and better preparation for academic careers. Presenting ICEF Academia to first-year students were its leaders, teachers, and ICEF graduate Arseny Stolyarov, who is currently doing a PhD at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
ICEF graduation ceremony hosted by HSE Cultures Centre
ICEF hosted its first in-person graduation ceremony since the pandemic led to restrictions. Diplomas were awarded to two classes. Hosted by HSE Cultures Centre, the day-long ceremony unfolded in sessions, one for Bachelor’s students and one for Master’s. Congratulating graduands were the faculty of ICEF HSE and professors of the University of London (LU) and the London School of Economics (LSE).
'University molds our personalities. Its role is not merely to teach us model building'
Yulia Chekunaeva graduated in one of ICEF’s first classes in 2003. She chose to do her master’s at the University of Warwick and then worked at Sberbank and Goldman Sachs. Yulia is currently Director for Capital Markets & Strategic Initiatives and a Board member at En+ Group, the world’s leading producer of low-carbon aluminum and renewable energy. In this interview, she tells about her student years in London and the USA, her passion for racing, and how new social values are re-shaping the business environment.
'ICEF offers an unusually broad education that gives workplace flexibility'
Svetlana Pavlova earned her bachelor's degree from ICEF in 2003 and won a scholarship to continue her studies at LBS (London Business School). Svetlana is currently a Vice President–Analyst at Moody's Investors. In this interview, she shares how to win an LBS scholarship through academic networking, how IB analytics differs from rating analytics, and how ICEF gives not only diplomas but also friends.
Soft Skills and Academic Qualifications: What tech giants seek in recent graduates
How has 2020 changed the agendas of the Internet companies? For which jobs the hiring is on the rise right now? What qualities do Internet companies seek in candidates? These and other questions have been raised by the round table New Trends in Internet Business During and After the Pandemic: What qualifications do Internet companies seek in new hires? Organized by HSE ICEF, the roundtable had among its speakers the alumni who are currently employed by Amazon, Stripe, SberMarket, Ozon, Yandex.
Returning to the Classroom: How ICEF Handled the Challenges of Online Learning and What Has Changed
On March 29, HSE is fully transitioning to in-person instruction. However, since March 1 some departments, including ICEF, have been conducting seminars on campus while holding lecture courses online. Oleg Zamkov, Academic Supervisor of the ICEF Bachelor’s programme, spoke about how ICEF survived the rapid transition to online exams, what LSE professors have to say about the effectiveness of the online exams, and what digital innovations that were implemented during the remote period will be used moving forward.
Returning to the Classroom: How ICEF Handled the Challenges of Online Learning and What Has Changed
On March 29, HSE is fully transitioning to in-person instruction. However, since March 1 some departments, including ICEF, have been conducting seminars on campus while holding lecture courses online. Oleg Zamkov, Academic Supervisor of the ICEF Bachelor’s programme, spoke about how ICEF survived the rapid transition to online exams, what LSE professors have to say about the effectiveness of the online exams, and what digital innovations that were implemented during the remote period will be used moving forward.
Results of the 2019-2020 academic year (ICEF Bachelor's program): a record
The past academic year was not easy, but in the end, it brought outstanding achievements, grades and degrees to students of the HSE and University of London ICEF double degree programme. This year's figures are almost double the previous records.
When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme
This year, alternatives to studying abroad are as relevant as never before. HSE University annually launches new joint programmes with world’s biggest universities. One of HSE’s oldest and most recognized double degree programmes is the ICEF bachelor’s programme, in which students can earn a degree not only from HSE University, but from the University of London as well. Below, we talk about the advantages of such a degree, career opportunities after graduation, and the programme prerequisites.
'Research is like a detective story, it is very engaging'
Martsella Davitaya is an ICEF 2017 BSc programme graduate who received first class degrees from both HSE and University of London. Right after her BSc she entered a PhD programme at Columbia University (USA), where she is currently studying, doing research and teaching. In the interview she spoke about her career choices, her impressions of studying at Columbia and her future plans.
You Don’t Have to Wake up 2 Hours Before Lecture, Get Dressed, and Go to Campus. Just Get up and Open Your Laptop.
On March 16, the rector decided to move all classes at HSE University online due to COVID-19. The largest universities in Russia and all over the world had to pull off the enormous feat of transitioning to online education immediately. As a result, the ongoing years-long discussions about the pros and cons of online education were put on pause. Academic supervisor of the ICEF bachelor’s programme, Oleg Zamkov, told us about how the ICEF has transitioned online, who can help when something goes wrong, and what resources will be necessary for online examinations.
We Forecast a Severe Global Recession
ICEF held a round table on Global Economy Challenges in 2020. Mr Thanassis Gontikas, Senior Vice-President of Edmond de Rothschild Bank (EdR) in Switzerland, was invited as a speaker.
HSE Staff Members Receive University Medals and Notes of Acknowledgement
On October 22, some university staff members were awarded HSE medals and notes of acknowledgement from the Rector.
‘You Showed Tenacity, and You Succeeded.’ How ICEF Celebrated Its 20th Anniversary
The HSE International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) is turning 20. The college celebrated its anniversary with a gala at the Pushkin Museum and with its largest graduating class ever.
'HSE ICEF Has a Diverse Team of Enthusiastic People'
As described by one of the original ICEF team members, Oleg Zamkov, ICEF Deputy Director and Academic Head of HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics, the success of ICEF was in choosing the right moment for the start and finding the right people, both academics and administrators. It would also be unimaginable without the advice and support from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), especially Richard Layard, who helped design several key elements of the curriculum for double degree programme, Richard Jackmanand Amos Witztum who made a significant contribution to ICEF idea implementation.
ICEF Education: Focusing on Internationalisation at Home
Academic Heads of the ICEF undegraduate and graduate programmes kindly share the unique features and advantages of ICEF study programmes for students.
5 Things You Need to Know about the International College of Economics and Finance
How do ICEF graduates' careers work out? What do they learn at ICEF? What are the academic mobility opportunities? Oleg Zamkov, Deputy Director of the International College of Economics and Finance answers applicants' main questions.
New Prospects for ICEF Students
The students’ exchange programme between ICEF HSE and Istanbul Bilgi University starts in September 2015. In the first semester of the next academic year several ICEF students will go to study at Bilgi University and Bilgi University students will spend a term at ICEF. The universities will also develop plans for cooperation between ICEF and Bilgi academics.