06.01. WTO dispute settlement procedures
English: | ||
wto_dsp_toc12_e.pdf | The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures. A Collection of the Relevant Legal Text. Third Edition (Table of Contents and Preface) | |
wto dsp(eng).pdf | The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures. A Collection of the Relevant Legal Text. Second Edition | |
Francais: | ||
wto dsp(fr).pdf | Les Procedures de Reglement des Differends de l'OMC. Recueil des Textes Juridicues Pertinents. Deuxieme Edition | |
Espanol: | ||
wto dsp(sp).pdf | Los Procedimientos de Solucion de diferencias de la OMC. Recopilacion de los Textos Juridicos. Secunda Edicion |
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