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Состоялась лекция профессора Улле Эндрисса (Университет Амстердама)

27 и 30 мая 2014 года состоялись лекции профессора Улле Эндрисса (Университет Амстердама) на тему "Computational Social Choice".

27 и 30 мая 2014 года состоялись лекции профессора Улле Эндрисса (Университет Амстердама) на тему "Computational Social Choice".

Title: Computational Social Choice

Abstract: Social choice theory is the study of mechanisms for collective decision making, such as election systems or protocols for fair division. In recent years there has been a growing interest in social choice theory amongst computer scientists and a wide variety of methods from computer science have been applied to problems originating in social choice theory. This trend has given rise to a new research area known as computational social choice. This series of two lectures will provide an introduction to this exciting new field. The first lecture will sketch a high-level overview of relevant methods and techniques, with many examples for specific problems addressed in computational social choice. Depending on the interests of the audience, the second lecture will focus on one specific topic in more depth.

Лекция 1

Лекция 2

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