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Общемосковский семинар "Экспертные оценки и анализ данных".

14 декабря 2022 г. в 14:30 состоится онлайн ZOOM-трансляция заседания Общемосковского семинара Экспертные оценки и анализ данных.

Автор: Tom Rawlins (НИУ ВШЭ)
Тема: A Theory of Integrity. Rational-irrational dualism in ‘doing the right thing’

In business ethics, be it in relation to a commercial, educational, charitable, military, state, family, or any other type of activity, to act with integrity is to do the right thing. But what does this mean in reality? What is the right thing to do, and to what extent does acting with integrity differ from acting rationally? In this paper, we present a theory of integrity, whereby doing the right thing is a normative process involving the actualisation of a series of moral choices that can be partly described in rational terms and partly in irrational terms, but only fully in both terms. To cope with the proposed rational-irrational dualism in this process, we draw on Quantum Decision Theory (QDT) and introduce an irrational deontic factor, as a non-informative prior, that acts as a complement to the rational factor of expected utility at each moment of choice. We then apply QDT to measure this deontic factor in action, as the irrational part of a quantum-like posterior probability, thereby quantifying the extent to which acting with integrity differs from acting rationally. The purpose of our theory-building paper is three-fold: to highlight the complementarity of consequentialism and deontology in the virtue of acting with integrity; to explain how and why doing the right thing is not always the most rational thing to do; and to contribute to the extant literature a novel way to operationalise integrity in quantitative terms, as an ethical solution to the current paradoxes of rational choice.