Заседание общемосковского научного семинара "Математические Методы Анализа Решений в Экономике, Бизнесе и Политике".
29 марта (среда) 2023 г. в Национальном исследовательском университете «Высшая школа экономики» состоится очередное заседание общемосковского научного семинара "Математические Методы Анализа Решений в Экономике, Бизнесе и Политике".
Руководители семинара:
д.т.н., проф. Алескеров Фуад Тагиевич,
д.т.н., проф. Подиновский Владислав Владимирович,
д.т.н., проф. Миркин Борис Григорьевич.
Тема: Artificial Intelligence, Smart Energy Systems, and Sustainability
Докладчик: Panos M. Pardalos (University of Florida, USA)
Distribution systems face significant changes due to the growing number of distributed and variable energy generation resources and the smart grid implementation. The traditional design paradigm can no longer meet the need for greater resilience, power quality, and customer participation. On the other hand, smart grid implementation brings a large amount of data that can be used to better plan a distribution system. Growing energy demand and limited investment capital make distribution system planners look to these advances in smart grid technology to identify new approaches to achieve load reliability. When planning a distribution system, the main goal is to meet the most economically and reliably timed demand growth. The planning methodology must ensure that every opportunity for savings or power quality improvement is exploited. This is not a straightforward task, even in traditional systems, since the distribution networks are usually large in extension, with a large amount of data to be analyzed. In addition, new regulations from authorities and the modernization of power systems highlight the importance of a constant update and improvement of methodologies and planning techniques. The ongoing changes bring enormous opportunities and challenges to traditional and new players requiring huge planning and operation methods changes. With more and innovative players entering the sector, artificial intelligence-based approaches can be the key to dealing with the new challenges and ensuring the systems and the respective players' sustainability, both in economic and environmental terms. The drive to make utilities more efficient through AI, machine learning, and data science has resulted in major benefits for every actor in the energy sector, including generators, distributors, the environment, taxpayers, and consumers.
Язык: английский
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