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Бакалаврская программа «Культурология»


Documenting the Past: Representation of Memory in Museums and Exhibitions

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 1, 2 модуль


Course Syllabus


Nowadays the question of memory and history becomes more and more relevant not only within the academic field but also among artists, curators and museums. We can see that new institutions emerge, among which are museums of conscience (Holocaust museums, GULAG museums). Also, contemporary artists start to work with their family histories, personal memories and local narratives. This course aims to shed light on the process of creating museum and contemporary art exhibitions based on documentary materials. Diaries, photographs, and oral histories appear to be crucial material for artists and curators who work with the problems of history and personal memories. During this course students get acquainted with different strategies of working with documents as a means of representation of the past. This question includes three aspects: 1) types of documents artists and curators use in their projects 2) exhibition dispositifs including different types of spaces 3) the position of a viewer and the relations between artist and visitors. The program of the course is focused not only on the museums of conscience as well as contemporary art museums and centers but also on independent artist-run spaces and land art projects. As a result, the process of working with memory and history in museums and exhibition spaces is considered as a whole in cultural, social and historical contexts.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Learning objectives 1. to give understanding of the instruments of working with history and memory in contemporary art. 2. to explain the main strategies of artistic interaction with the museums of conscience, which has become especially widespread in recent decades. 3. to illustrate the variety of artistic practices of working with documentary materials and archives. 4. to show different types of representation of memory in artistic and museum projects. 5. to teach how to use modern methods of analyzing exhibition projects and practices of contemporary art.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • understanding the basic concepts (document, archive, witness) from the point of view of contemporary art
  • distinguishes between the main approaches to working with memory and history in modern museums
  • characterize the museums of conscience using theoretical concepts of understanding history and memory
  • based on the material, reveals the types, role and place of the document in contemporary art
  • systematizes artistic strategies for understanding memory in the space of a museum exhibition and is able to create a proposal for an exhibition project based on visual materials and concepts studied during the course.
  • defines the ethical aspects of working with memory in contemporary art
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • 1. Memory and history. Document, witness, archive
  • 2. Museum practices of working with history and memory
  • 3. Museums of Conscience as a special type of museums
  • 4. Contemporary art and types of documents
  • 5. Artistic ways of working with memory in the exhibition space
  • 6. Memory as an attitude
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Activity
  • non-blocking Colloquium
  • non-blocking Activity
  • non-blocking Project
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.2 * Activity + 0.2 * Activity + 0.3 * Colloquium + 0.3 * Project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Memory and history : understanding memory as source and subject, , 2013
  • Museums and biographies : stories, objects, identities, , 2012
  • Как читать и понимать выставку : анатомия выставки, Бонами, З. А., 2021

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Documentary testimonies : global archives of suffering, , 2010
  • Post-critical museology : theory and practice in the art museum, Dewdney, A., 2013
  • Диалоги со временем : память о прошлом в контексте истории, Васильев, А. Г., 2008
