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Бакалаврская программа «Программа двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ и Университета Кёнхи «Экономика и политика в Азии»»

English Language

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1-3 модуль


Сычева Любовь Валерьевна

Course Syllabus


The course is aimed at preparing students for the International Language English Testing System (IELTS) examination. The main aim and objective of the course is to form general competences in knowledge and skills necessary for passing the international examination, namely linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence and pragmatic competence. For achieving the objective students are supposed to be involved into the following language activities: reception (listening and reading), production (spoken and written), and interaction (spoken and written). The skills and knowledge gained upon finishing the course enable students to gain the IELTS (Band 6) certificate and higher.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • The course is aimed at providing training in all parts of the IELTS test, improving scores and building language proficiency.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Develop their skills of reading comprehension; processing information from literary and informational texts in a wide variety of academic and general subjects; distinguishing between fact and opinion, and summarizing.
  • Develop their skills of interpreting and comparing data; describing charts, tables, graphs, and processes.
  • Master their skills of articulating their opinions about various social issues in written form; stating and developing arguments; discussing problems and offering solutions; presenting information logically, coherently and cohesively; using signaling devices; proof–reading and editing.
  • Develop skills of target listening and extracting information from texts of various types (lectures, interviews, discussions, etc).
  • Advance speaking skills such as providing information in a formal interview context; giving an extended talk on a given topic and taking part in a formal discussion.
  • Enrich academic and subject-specific vocabulary and extend grammar range to be able to discuss a variety of topics, such as Education, Science and Technology, Law, and Social Issues.
  • Develop test-taking strategies such as time management, skimming and scanning for general or specific information, listening for cues (such as word emphasis, speaker intonation, and tone of voice), prioritizing questions, brainstorming, and organizing ideas.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Higher education. Studying at university
    The aim is to describe the process of getting a higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate degrees), compare the system of higher education in Russia, the UK, South Korea, China and Japan; characterize the most effective study methods and point out the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Aims of education. Lifelong learning.
    The aim is to discuss the significance of learning throughout life, point out subjects and activities that help with developing critical thinking, debate what can motivate students to excel in education and how to deal with student plagiarism, discuss the growth of continuous assessment as part of the examining framework; practice writing a one-sided opinion essay
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Success and personal development. Ambition and assertiveness.
    The aim is to discuss the importance of talent in achieving success, debate what can boost one’s confidence and whether failure is able to beget success; point out essential factors for career success and personal qualities of high-achievers; practice writing a two-sided opinion essay
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Science and Technology. Our changing world. Information-oriented society and the modern lifestyle.
    The aim is to look at the major changes our world has undergone in recent years, the role of high-tech gadgetry and household appliances in our lives; discuss advantages and drawbacks of modern technological advances (artificial intelligence systems, electronic books, etc.) and focus on the technological downsides, such as space debris, GM food, nuclear power, etc; practice writing a for-and-against essay.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Growing concerns. Social Issues: their causes and solutions.
    The aim is to focus on the most pressing social problems (crime, unemployment, poverty, etc), their causes and solutions; practice writing a problem-solution essay.
  • English for General and Academic Purposes. Law and order. Security vs Privacy. Juvenile crime.
    The aim is to describe various forms of surveillance and monitoring citizens’ movements; debate whether we should give up our privacy in return for greater security; describe the criminal justice process, discuss the notion of fitting / insufficient / tough punishment and debate whether death penalty is acceptable; focus on the youth violence prevention and the causes of juvenile delinquency.
  • English for Economic Studies. Management
    The aim is to learn the functions of a manager, to discuss what makes a good manager, to learn the vocabulary related to management, to learn to read and listen for the gist, to summarise the information.
  • English for Economic Studies. Work and Motivation.
    The aim is to learn the vocabulary related to ‘motivation at work’, the importance of motivation, to learn and discuss various theories of motivation, to consider specific situations in terms of enhancing motivation, to learn to express an opinion supported with arguments.
  • English for Economic Studies. Managing Across Cultures
    The aim is to consider the importance of cultural differences for people working across cultures, to learn and discuss two theories of dividing cultures regarding their personal and business behavior, to focus on the ways of doing business in South Korea, China and Japan, to learn the vocabulary related to cross-cultural management, to learn to express an opinion supported with arguments, prepare a structured talk
  • English for Economic Studies. Products
    The aim is to consider the importance of brand recognition, to discuss the concepts of a product and a brand, to distinguish between a product line and a product mix, to discuss different branding strategies, their features and aims, to learn the vocabulary related to branding, launching a product and researching a product concept, to learn to work in teams on a case
  • English for Economic Studies. Marketing
    The aim is to consider the product life cycle and the role of marketing, to learn about the marketing mix, to learn the vocabulary related to the product life cycle and marketing, prepare a structured talk
  • English for Economic Studies. Advertising
    The aim is to consider the different kinds of sales promotions, to discuss what makes a successful advertising campaign, to learn the vocabulary related to advertising and promotions, to learn to express an opinion supported with arguments, to learn to work in teams on a case
  • English for Economic Studies. Writing Exam Skills
    1. to learn the general rules regarding graph description 2. to learn the specific vocabulary for graph description 3. to learn and practice describing a line graph 4. to learn and practice describing a table 5. to learn and practice describing a bar chart 6. to learn and practice describing a pie chart 7. to learn and practice describing a set of visuals
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Oral tasks
    Platforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
  • non-blocking Revision tasks
    Platforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
  • non-blocking Written tasks
    Platforms: Zoom, LMS и Google Forms
  • non-blocking Attendance and Participation
    Absence policy: An excused absence is an absence due to a number of accepted reasons, such as a medical or personal issue beyond the student’s control, participation in a significant extracurricular university event, conference etc. If the absence is excused, the grade for class attendance will not be reduced.
  • non-blocking Cumulative Grade Module 1
  • non-blocking Cumulative Grade Module 2
  • non-blocking Cumulative grade Module 3
  • non-blocking Final test
    This is a written exam conducted in Zoom by the link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6128438728. The students should get to the exam room 5 minutes in advance. The students should be able to switch on their cameras and microphones during the exam when asked to do so. It is prohibited to use any resources other than the exam material. During the exam the students are allowed to ask the examiner questions in the chat. If some students experience problems with the Internet connection, they should notify the instructor immediately by email and the problem will be addressed accordingly. Short-term connection issues account for 5 minutes, while long-term connection issues account for a period longer than 5 minutes. The student will be able to re-sit the exam in September. The format will be the same.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.25 * Attendance and Participation + 0.25 * Oral tasks + 0.25 * Revision tasks + 0.25 * Written tasks


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • English for business studies : a course for business studies and economics students: student's book, MacKenzie, I., 2010
  • Expert IELTS 7.5 : coursebook, Aish, F., 2017
  • Ready for IELTS : coursebook: with key, McCarter, S., 2010

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Gaitan, A. (2018). English Exam : Speaking Tips for IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge.