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Отдел по организации приема студентов Высшей школы бизнеса НИУ ВШЭ:
Telegram-канал для абитуриентов
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Выделите её, нажмите Ctrl+Enter и отправьте нам уведомление. Спасибо за участие!
Сервис предназначен только для отправки сообщений об орфографических и пунктуационных ошибках.
Assessment materials include testing and assessment materials (TAM) which are used for ongoing and interim assessments in each course or internship. The samples of these can be found in respective course syllabi, internship programmes, as well as state examination programmes (if relevant).
Full TAM versions are kept with the subdivisions that offer the courses, both in hard and e-copy. Subdivisions determine the period for TAM's storage.
Teaching and learning materials include guidelines for writing theses (final graduation papers).
Student outreach Programme and Event Calendar are university-level documents that apply to all undergraduate programmes
Directive on the the approval of Student Outreach programme (digital signature)
Addendum to the Directive on the approval of Student Outreach programme (digital signature)
Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar (digital signature)
Addendum to the Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar (digital signature)
Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar
Addendum to the Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar
Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar 2023/2024
Directive on the approval of Student Outreach Event Calendar 2024/2025
Шрифты HSE Sans и HSE Slab разработаны в Школе дизайна НИУ ВШЭ