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Research Seminar "Literary translation"

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 3, 4 модуль

Course Syllabus


Literary Translation Course Description This course is designed to introduce students to the art and craft of literary translation. Students will learn the basic principles of translation theory, as well as the practical skills necessary to translate literary texts from one language to another. The course will focus on the translation of poetry and fiction but will also touch on the translation of drama and nonfiction. Students will work with a variety of texts and languages and will be encouraged to develop their own unique voice as translators. The course will also explore the cultural and historical context of the texts being translated and will consider the various challenges that translators face when translating literary works in Russian and Turkish languages. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the theory and practice of literary translation and will have had the opportunity to translate a range of texts themselves. Here are a few sources on Russian and Turkish translation studies: "Translation Studies in Russia: An Overview" by Nataliya Ryzhkova, published in the journal "Target" in 2010. This article provides an overview of the history and current state of translation studies in Russia, including the main theoretical approaches and research areas. "Translation Studies in Turkey: An Overview" by Aysun Tekes and Ozge Ozturk, published in the journal "Target" in 2012. This article provides an overview of the history and current state of translation studies in Turkey, including the main theoretical approaches and research areas. "The Role of Translation in the Process of Nation-Building in Turkey" by Aysun Tekes, published in the book "Translation and Nation-Building" in 2014. This chapter examines the role of translation in the process of nation-building in Turkey, with a focus on the translation of literary texts. "The Challenges of Translating Contemporary Russian Literature" by Olga Voronina, published in the journal "The Translator" in 2016. This article discusses the challenges of translating contemporary Russian literature, including issues related to language, culture, and politics. "The Role of Translators in the Construction of National Identity in Turkey" by Ozge Ozturk, published in the book "Translation and Identity" in 2017. This chapter examines the role of translators in the construction of national identity in Turkey, with a focus on the translation of literary texts. These are a few examples of academic sources related to the topic, but there are many more studies, articles, books and journals that could be useful for those who are interested in the field of literary translation. Russian and Turkish translation studies have developed their own unique theoretical and methodological approaches, drawing on both Western and Eastern traditions. In Russian translation studies, the structuralist approach has been particularly influential, with figures such as Vladimir Toporov, Jurij Lotman, and Boris A. Uspenskij making significant contributions to the field. This approach focuses on the analysis of the structural relationships between the source and target texts, and the role of translation in the transfer of cultural and literary information. Another important approach in Russian translation studies is the cultural-historical approach, which emphasizes the historical and cultural context of the texts being translated. Scholars such as Gennadij Barabtarlo and Irina Reyfman have made significant contributions to this field. In Turkish translation studies, the cultural turn has been influential, with scholars emphasizing the role of translation in the construction of national identity and the transfer of cultural values. Figures such as Aysun Tekes and Ozge Ozturk have made significant contributions to this field. Another key approach in Turkish translation studies is the postcolonial approach, which examines the power dynamics between the source and target cultures and the role of translation in shaping cultural representations. Scholars such as Deniz Perin and Nukhet Varlik have made significant contributions to this field. Both in Russian and Turkish translation studies, the concepts of domestication and foreignization are widely used to describe the different strategies translators use to adapt the source text to the target culture. The domestication strategy aims to make the source text more familiar and acceptable to the target culture, while the foreignization strategy aims to preserve the cultural and linguistic differences of the source text. These are just a few examples of the theorists and methods used in Russian and Turkish translation studies. The field is constantly evolving, and new approaches and theories are being developed.