1. 9th EBES Conference, January 11-13, 2013; Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University of Rome; Rome, Italy,
- Penikas H. Copula-Based Univariate Time Series Structural Shift Identification Test;
- Penikas H.(with Gomayun N., Titova Y.) Estimate of the Effect of Derivatives Usage by Public European Banks on Its’ Value and Risk.
2. Second Russian Economic Congress, February 18-22, 2013,Suzdal,
- Belenky A. Optimal allocation of financial resources in public procurement by mathematical programming techniques;
- Veselova Y. Comparison of the threshold rule and rank aggregation procedures;
- Penikas H.(with Gomayun N.)Study on the relationship the cost of public banks in Europe and the character of their operations with derivatives;
- Egorova L. (withGorbanI.) Behavioral models of stock exchange;
- KamalovaR. Power distribution in the Weimar Reichstag in 1919-1933;
- Karabekyan D., Aleskerov F., IvanovA. (with Yakuba V.)Coalition manipulability of ordinal decision rules;
- Karpov A.Generalized bankruptcy problem;
- Kiselgof S. Generalized matchings when preferences are semiorders;
- Myachin A., Aleskerov F., Egorova L. (with Gokhberg L., Sagieva G.)Analysis of the data on science, education and innovation, using the methods of analysis of patterns;
- Penikas H. Test for evaluation of structural shift in the one-dimensional time series, based on the models of "copula";
- SorokinC. Strategic waiting in the problem of optimal design of collective contracts;
- Subochev A., Zakhlebin I. Alternative versions of economic competitiveness ranking of the world, constructed with the help of the theory of social choice.
3. Seminar on the economic-mathematical methods and models, St. Petersburg, February 27, 2013,
- Aleskerov F. The power in Organizations: Theory and Applications.
4. Seminar on "Mathematical Economics" in CEMI RAS, Moscow, March 5, 2013,
- Karpov A. (with Yurkov S.) Generalized bankruptcy problem.
5. Seminar Laboratory of game theory and decision-making EMR RAS, St. Petersburg, March 15, 2013,
- Shvarts D. Power indices, which depend on the preferences of the participants - axiomatic construction and methods of computation.
6. 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, March 14-17, 2013, Tokyo, Japan,
- Aleskerov F., Egorova L. (with Gorban I.) The Optimal Threshold in the Event Separation Problem on the Stock Exchange;
- Karabekayn D. Utility models over price-cum-goods sets.
7. Workshop "Formal concept analysis meets information retrieval" at the European Conference of Information Retrieval ECIR 2013, HSE and Yandex Moscow, March 24, 2013,
- Mirkin B., Invited Plenary Report “Key phrase to text similarity, clustering, and interpretation in hierarchical ontologies”;
- Shestakoff А., Least squares consensus clustering: criteria, methods, experiments.
8. International Workshop "Baikal reading", Irkutsk State University, March 17-31, 2013,
- Shvarts D., series of 6 reports on the general theme "Power indices".
9. ХIV HSE International Conference on Development Economics and Society, April 2-5, 2013,
- Aleskerov F. Kiselgof S., Shvydun S. (with Abankina I., Belousova V., Gokhberg L., Zin'kovsky K.) Typology of Russian higher educational institutions including indicators of research and innovation;
- Veselova Y. The complexity of the rules ordinal social choice;
- Penikas H. (with Gomayun N., Titova Y.) Study on the relationship the cost of public banks in Europe and the character of their operations with derivatives;
- Aleskerov F., KamalovaR.Power distribution in the Weimar Reichstag in 1919-1933;
- Karabekayn D., Ivanov A., (with Yakuba V.) Coalition manipulability of ordinal decision rules;
- Karpov A. (with Yurkov S.) Generalized bankruptcy problem;
- Kiselgof S., SorokinC.(withBoris A., Menyashev R., Chernina E., Dodlova M., Khmelnitskaya Е.)Determination of tariffs for public transport modeling of the demand function. The case of commuter rail;
- PetruschenkoV. (with Abankina I., Belousova V., Bonch-OsmolovskayaА., Ogorodniychuk D., Yakuba V., Zin'kovsky K.) Evaluating the effectiveness of universities using DEA and sequential elimination of alternatives;
- RubchinskyA. (with Blagoveschenskiy N.) Cluster analysis of socio-economic data;
- Subochev A. Measuring democracy: the aggregation of conflicting rankings of the world using the theory social choice;
- Shvarts D. Axiomatic for power indices in the problem of voting with quota.
10. Conference AINT'2013 "Analysis of Images, Networks and Texts", Ekaterinburg, April 4-6 2013,
- Chernyak Е.Using the resources of the Internet for constructing of taxonomy.
11. Seminar on "Mathematical Economics", April 9, 2013, CEMI, Moscow,
- Penikas H. (with Sirotkin) The problem of correlation of returns and risks of current and term instruments in the investment portfolio.
12. Workshop logistics department of the Molde University, Norway, April 12, 2013:
- Aleskerov F. Theoretical and Applied Works of the International Department of Decision Choice and Analysis in the Higher School of Economics.
13. Seminar at Washington University, St. Louis, April 10,2013,
- Belenky A. Solution Methods for Minimax, Minimaximin, and Game Problems on Polyhedral Sets in Economic and Social Systems.
14. Seminar of SPHSE, April 22, 2013:
- Aleskerov F. Theoretical and applied works in the International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis.
15. Scientific seminar HSE-NES "Political Economy", Moscow, April 23, 2013,
- Kamalova R.Power distribution in the Weimar Reichstag in 1919-1933.
16. Conference«IRB Day», April25, 2013, company "Forecast", Moscow,
- Penikas H. The strategic impact of bank regulation: the transition from the 192-T for Basel IV.
17. Seminar of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, May 14, 2013:
- Aleskerov F. Power in groups with application to the distribution of power to IMF.
18. InternationalConferenceAINL 2013: Artificial intelligence and natural language, Saint Petersburg, May 16-17,2013,
- Chernyak Е.,Shestakoff A. (with Shall A., Dubov М., Levitsky N., Morenko Е.)The project of creating a newspaper Internet-corpus.
19. The 1stInternational Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2013), May 16-18, 2013, Suzhou, China,
- Aleskerov F., Egorova L., Myachin A. (with Gokhberg L., Sagieva G.) Pattern Analysis in the Study of Science, Education and Innovative Activity in Russian Regions;
- Aleskerov F., Shvydun S. (with Mitichkin E., Yakuba V.)Super-threshold Procedures and Their Application to the Search Problem;
- Aleskerov F. (with Chistyakov V.) The Threshold Decision Making;
- Belenky A.Three Quantitative Management Problems in Public Procurement and Decsision Procedures for Their Analysis and Solving;
- Lepskiy A.Estimation of Conflict and Decreasing of Ignorance in Dempster-Shafer Theory;
- Podinovsky V.Potential optimality of Pareto optima;
- Penikas H. (with Merikas A., Merika A.) Dry Bulk Time Charter Rates Joint Return Distribution Modeling: Copula-Approach.
20. 5thMatching in Practice Workshop, Brussels, May 20-21, 2013,
- Kiselgof S. Matching with preferences being interval orders: stability, efficiency and (or?) strategy-proofness.
21. The 3rdInternational Conference on Network Analysis, May 20-22, 2013, Nizhny Novgorod,
- Aleskerov F., Egorova L., Myachin A. (with Gokhberg L., Sagieva G.) Pattern Analysis in the Study of Science, Education and Innovative Activity in Russian Regions.
22. VII International Conference "Integrated models and soft computing in artificial intelligence", Kolomna, May 20-22, 2013,
- Lepskiy A. Estimation of the conflict and reduce ignorance in the Dempster-Shafer theory.
23. Moscow Seminar "Expert evaluation and data analysis", Moscow, Institute of Control Sciences, May 22, 2013,
- Aleskerov F., Kataeva Е. (with Pislyakov B., Yakuba V.)Assessing the contribution of scientists using a threshold aggregation;
- SorokinC. The model of political competition with correlated probabilistic voting.
24. I International workshop «Quantitative analysis in political science», Moscow, HSE, May 22-24,2013,
- Aleskerov F. Voting power indices and the distribution of power in Weimar Republic parliament.
25. XLI InternationalConferenceIT + S&E`13 «Information technologies in science, education, telecommunications and business "(May session), Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gursuf, May 25 - June 4,2013,
- Podinovsky V. (with Potapov M.), Plenary Report "The method of weighted sum of criteria in multicriteria decision-making problems".
26. Conference"Challenges of implementing Basel II and III in Russian banks," May 28, 2013, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow,
- Penikas H. The discussion of recommendations for the development of plans for self-improvement in the European banking regulator.
27. International Conference on Computational Linguistics "Dialogue" Bekasovo, May 29 - June 2,2013,
- Chernyak E. Computationally refining of a russian-language taxonomy using Wikipedia.
28. 2nd International Banking Conference and Exhibition, June 6, 2013, CIS Bankers, Kiev, Ukraine:
- Penikas H. Pan-CIS regulator creation| Benefits from Basel II and III perspectives.
29. 3rdInternational Conference of the Financial Engineering and Banking Society (FEBS), June 8, 2013; Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation (LabEx-ReFi), ESCP Europe Paris campus; Paris, France,
- Penikas H. (with Gomayun N., Titova Y.) Research of derivatives as the public European banks value determinant.
30. Network Models in Economics and Finance Conference 2013, June13-15, 2013, Athens, Greece,
- Egorova L., Penikas H. (with Bondarenko A.) The agent-based simulation of the stock exchange behavior.
31. 7th Annual International Conference on Mathematics Education & Statistics Education, June 17-20, 2013, Athens, Greece,
- Belenky A. Tools for Developing Optimal Individual Curricula for College Students.
32. 7thInternational Conference "Game Theory and Management"GTM2013, June 26-28, 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Savina T.The strategies that dominate any evolutionary opponent in infinitely repeated games.
33. 20thAnnual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, June 30 – July 3, 2013, MFS; Izmir, Turkey,
- Penikas H. (with Gomayun N., Titova Y.) Research of Hedging and Trading Derivatives Impact on Public European Banks’ Value and Share Performance: Panel Data Approach.
34. 26thEuropean Conference on Operational Research, July 1-4, Roma, Italy,
- Veselova Y. Noncompensatory scoring rules and threshold aggregation;
- Bondarenko A., Egorova L., Penikas H. The agent-based simulation of the stock exchange behavior;
- Belenky A. An approach to designing a mechanism for forming public-private partnerships;
- Myachin A. Pattern analysis in the study of science, education and innovative activity in Russian regions;
- Kiselgof S. Efficiency vs strategy-proofness in matching markets with interval order preferences;
- Sorokin C. Strategic delay and optimal contracts for teams;
- Aleskerov F., Zakhlebin I., Subochev A. Alternative versions of the Global Competitiveness Ranking: a Social Choice approach.
35. The 24thStony Brook Game Theory Festival of the Game Theory Society, International Conference on Game Theory, July 8-12, Stony Brook, NY, USA
- Kiselgof S. Matching with interval order preferences: stabiliy and Pareto-efficiency.
36. International Conference «Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics», Dubna, Russia, July 8 – 12, 2013,
- Rubchinsky A. Volatility in Classification.
37. 9thSpain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory (SING9), Vigo, July 8-10, 2013,
- Belenky A. Finding equilibria in a class of two- and three-person games on polyhedral sets in analyzing large-scale economic systems.
38. Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS 2013), July 14-17, Tilburg, The Netherlands,
- Shestakoff А. Least squares consensus clustering: criteria, methods, experiments.
39. ICCOPT, Lisbon, July 27-August 1, 2013,
- Belenky A. Application of Continuous Optimization Techniques for Calculating Equilibriums in Large-Scale Three-Person Public Procurement Games.
40. 8th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-13), September 11-13, 2013, Milano, Italy,
- Lepskiy А. About Relation between the Measure of Conflict and Decreasing of Ignorance in Theory of Evidence.
41. XLIInternationalConferenceIT + S&E`13 "Information technology in science, sociology and business" (Autumn Session), Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gursuf, October 2-10,2013,
- Podinovsky V. (with Nelubin A.) The potential non-dominated in choise problems.
42. 7thMoscow International Conference on Operations Research, October15-19, 2013, Moscow, Russia,
- Petruschenko V. Data Envelopment Analysis by sequential exclusion of alternatives;
- Podinovsky V. Plenary report "Theory of the importance of criteria: current status";
- Podinovsky V. (with Nelubin A., Podinovskaya О.) Matrixordinaldecisionrulesinthecriteriaimportancetheory.
43. 1st Reading the memory of Prof. B. Ovsievich "Economic-mathematical research on mathematical models and information technology", October21-23, 2013, Saint-Petersburg Institute for Economics and Mathematics,
- Penikas H. (with Sirotkin I.) Simulation of optimal hedge ratio, taking into account the risks of day and intraday trading positions.
44. Research and practical conference "Econometric methods in the study of global economic processes", October 29, 2013, MSIIR (University) of the MFA of Russia, Moscow
- Penikas H. The appearance of the dead-weight loss when used individual intrabank (IRB) evaluation models of credit risk for Basel II.
45. Center for Rationality of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mathematics and Economics Seminar.
- Sorokin C. The role of information in an escalation games.
46. Game Theory seminar at the Technion University, Haifa, Israel.
- Sorokin C. Policy convergence in a two-candidate probabilistic voting model.
47. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, December 10-14, 2013, Kolkata, India,
- Lepskiy A. (with Bronevich A., Umansky V., Yakushev D.) Recognition of Cross Profiles of Roadbed Based on Polygonal Representations.
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