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Regular version of the site


1. 12th EBES Conference, Singapur, January 9-11, 2014, http://www.ebesweb.org/Conferences/Recent/12th-EBES-Conference-Singapore.aspx
  • Egorova L. “Agent-based Models of Stock Exchange: Analysis via Computational Simulation”.
 2. Russian Subordinated Debt Conference, January 21, 2014; Societe Generale Corporate and Investment Banking; London, UK,
  • Penikas H. “Build up of the Basel 3 framework in Russia”.
 3. All-Moscow scientific seminar “Experts estimations and data analysis”, IPC RAS, February 26, 2014, Moscow, http://www.ipu.ru/node/11663
  • Kamalova R. “Indices of ethnic heterogeneity: theory and applications”.
 4. International School-Seminar "Baikal's reading", Irkutsk, ISU, Match 21-28, 2014, http://www.pribaikal.ru/igu-item/article/17362.html.
  • Sorokin C. “The quality of available information and the escalation of conflict”.
 5. Seminar on "Mathematical Economics" in CEMI RAS, Moscow, March 25, 2014, http://mathecon.cemi.rssi.ru/seminar.htm
  • Kamalova R., Lipacheva A. “Ethnic Diversity and Conflict: Theory and Empirical Research”.
 6. ХV HSE International Conference on Development Economics and Society, April 1-4, 2014, Moscow, http://conf.hse.ru/2014/:
  • Veselova Y. “Modeling group preferences: IC, IAC, and IANC”;
  • Penikas H. (with Arzamasov V.) “Construction of the integral index of financial stability in the absence of "learning": the case of Israel”;
  • Penikas H. “Hierarchical copula in modeling market risk of the portfolio of shares”;
  • Kamalova R. “The Main Approaches to Measurement of Ethnic Heterogeneity”;
  • Lepskiy A. (with Bobrov R., Trifonova A.) “Comparing universities histogram points USE and study heterogeneity of universities”.
 7. Multinational Finance Society Symposium, April 4-5, 2014; Multinational Finance Society; Larnaca, Cyprus, http://www.mfsociety.org/page.php?pageID=217
 Penikas H. (with Titova Y.) “Modeling the Consequences of G-SIB Regulation”.
 8. COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice, April 9-11, 2014, Maastricht, Holland, http://researchers-sbe.unimaas.nl/cost-maastricht2014/
  • Veselova Y. “Comparing Probabilistic Models: IC, IAC, IANC”;
  • Tsvelikhovsky B. “On an Algorithm for Verification of Manipulability of Profiles for Positional Voting Rules”.
 9. International conference «The effective treasury: bank management within the bank», April 10-11, 2014, MSB Events, Moscow, http://msbevent.com/bus_events.php?id=46&src=all-events.ru
  •  Penikas H. “Evaluation of liquidity risk in the implementation of Basel III: open issues in the implementation of standards in Russia”.
 10. The First International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social networks and Texts (AIST), April 10-12, 2014, Yekaterinburg, http://aistconf.org/
  • Mirkin B. “Data Clustering: Some Topics of Current Interest” (plenary report);
  • Mirkin B., Chernyak E. (with Morenko E.) “Conceptual maps: construction over a text collection and analysis”.
 11. 12-th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Malaysia, Kuala-Lumpur, April 14-17, 2014, http://deaconference.com/dea2014
  • Aleskerov F., Petruschenko V. “DEA by sequential exclusion of alternatives”.
 12. 5th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control, May 7-9, 2014, Oradea, România, http://univagora.ro/en/icccc2014/
  • Aleskerov F. “Choice Procedures in Big Data Analysis” (plenary paper);
  • Shvydun S., Kalugina E. (with Beregovsky M., Lola I.) “A Computer System for an Effective Personnel Selection”;
  • Aleskerov F., Shvydun S., Kalugina E. “A Mathematical Model of an Effective Personnel Selection in Network Structures”;
  • Myachin A. “New high-precision efficient models of pattern analysis”.
 13. The 4th International Conference on Network Analysis, May 11-13, 2014, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, http://nnov.hse.ru/latna/conferences/net2014
  • Egorova L. “The effectiveness of different trading strategies for price-takers”.
 14. ХLII International Conference and XII International Conference for Young scientists “Information technologies in science, education, telecommunications and business”, Crimea, Yalta-Gursuf, May 2 ‒ June 1, 2014, www.glorioz.com
  • Podinovski V. (with Podinovskaia O.) “Information about the importance of criteria groups in multicriteria decision problems”.
 15. 4th Annual Conference C5: Risk Management in the Russian Banking Sector, May 28-29, 2014; Fitch Analytics; Moscow, http://www.c5-online.com/RiskRussia
  • Penikas H. “Systemically Important Financial Institutions: The Expected Impact of Regulation in Russia”.
 16. The Second International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, June 3-5, 2014, Moscow, http://itqm2014.hse.ru/
  • Aleskerov F. “Choice Procedures in Big Data Analysis” (plenary paper);
  • Belenky A. “Finding Optimal Production and Selling Strategies for an Electricity Generator for a Part of a Country's Electrical Grid”;
  • Egorova L. “Effectiveness of different trading strategies for price-takers”;
  • Kiselgof S. “Matchings with Interval Order Preferences: Efficiency vs Strategy-proofness”;
  • Lepskiy A. “On the Stability of Comparing Histograms with Help of Probabilistic Methods”;
  • Mirkin B. “Data Clustering: Some Topics of Current Interest” (tutorial report);
  • Mirkin B., Chernyak E. “A method for refining a taxonomy by using annotated suffix trees and Wikipedia resources”;
  • Mirkin B. (with Orlov M.) “A concept of multicriteria stratification: a definition and solution”;
  • Myachin A. “Analysis of global data education and patent activity using new methods of pattern analysis”;
  • Shvydun S., Kalugina E. “An Effective personnel selection model”;
  • Penikas H. (with Arzamasov V.) “A financial stability index for Israel”;
  • Penikas H. (with Selmier II W.T., Vasilyeva K.), Vasilyeva K.) “Financial Risk as a Good”.
 17. Conference on Optimization Control and Applications in the Information Age, June 15-20, 2014, Chalkidiki, Greece, http://pardalos60.com/
  • Mirkin B. “Semi-average criterion for individual clusters: frameworks and methods” (invited report);
  • Myachin A. “Pattern Analysis and Its Application to Electoral Data in Russia”.
 18. XII All-Russian Conference on Control Problems, June 16-19, 2014, IPC RAS, Moscow, Russia, http://vspu2014.ipu.ru
  • Aleskerov F. “Selection model in the analysis of Big Data” (plenary paper);
  • Belenky A. “Solvability of games  of three individuals  on the set of related strategies and evaluation of  the possibility of forming a public-private partnership to implement a set of large-scale projects”;
  • Egorova L. “Agent-oriented models of exchange”;
  • Kamalova R.,  Kostomarov V. “Этническая гетерогенность: основные понятия и проблемы измерения”;
  • Lepskiy A. “Comparison of probability distributions: methods, properties, and applications” (plenary report of direction);
  • Lepskiy A. “The distribution of students enrolled in university at USE scores and ranking of universities”;
  • Lipacheva A. “Comparison of  indices of polarization in some special cases”;
  • Podinovski V. (with Nelubin A., Podinovskaia O., Potapov M.) “The criteria importance theory: current status and trends of its further development”, (plenary report of direction);
  • Oleynik V. “The distribution of influence in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (1990 - 2012)”;
  • Shvydun S. “The study normative properties of two-stage selection procedures”.
 19. The 12th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare, June 18-21, 2014, Boston, USA, http://www.bc.edu/centers/ioa/scw14.html
  • Aleskerov F., Ivanov A., Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. “Manipulablity of Voting Rules for Impartial Anonymous Culture and Multiple Choice”;
  • Aleskerov F., Ivanov A., Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. “Coalitional Manipulability of Majority Relation-Based Social Choice Rules”;
  • Veselova Y. “Comparing Probabilistic Models: IC, IAC, IANC”;
  • Kiselgof S., Sorokin C. “Matchings with exact quotas”;
  • Sorokin C. (with Zaharov A.) “Candidate utility invariance under stochastic voting”.
 20. The 3rd Мeeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog), University of Oslo, Norway, June 22-25, 2014,
  • Belenky A., Fedin G. (with Klimova N., Lebedeva O., Yunusova A.) “A large-scale fleet management problem”.
 21. Тhe 3rd International Symposium and 25th National Conference on Operational Research, University of Thessaly, Volos, June 26-28, 2014, http://eeee2014.epu.ntua.gr/
  • Belenky A., Fedin G. (with Klimova N., Lebedeva O., Yunusova A.) “Optimally planning the use of railcars by a large railcar fleet management company”.
 22. 89th Annual Conference of Western Economics Association International, June 27 – July 1, 2014, Denver, USA, http://www.weai.org/AC2014
  • Aleskerov F., Ivanov A., Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. “Coalitional Manipulability of Social Choice Rules Based on Majority Relation”;
  • Aleskerov F., Ivanov A., Karabekyan D., Yakuba V. “Manipulability of Voting Rules under Impartial Anonymous Culture Condition and Multiple Choice”.
 23. Annual MFS (Multinational Financial Society) Conference, June 29 ‒ July 2, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, http://www.mfsociety.org/
  • Penikas H. (with Yevjanov T.) “Measuring Technical Efficiency for Banks in the Context of Russian and International Reporting Standards”;
  • Penikas H. (with Petrova A.) “An Empirical Analysis of Growth and Consolidation in Banking: A Markovian Approach for the Case of Russia”.
 24. 1st European Conference on Data Analysis, July 2-4, 2014, Bremen, Germany, http://ecda2014.eu/
Chernyak E. (with Yakovlev M.) “Using annotated suffix tree similarity measure for text summarization”;
 25. World Finance Conference, July 2-4, 2014, Venezia, Italy, http://www.world-finance-conference.com/node/10765
 Egorova L. “Agent-based Models of Stock Exchange: Analysis via Computational Simulation”. 
 26. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, July 13-18, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, http://www.ifors2014.org/
 Veselova Y. “What are the rules of social choice can be simplified to the scoring rules?”;
  • Egorova L. “The effectiveness of trading strategies of small traders”;
  • Myachin A. “Method of pattern analysis: new algorithms”;
  • Shvydun S. “Two-Stage Superposition Choice Procedures and their Properties”. 
 27. International Conference on “Comparative Analysis of Business and Management”, 19 July, 2014, Kyoto, Japan, http://www.ces.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/programme_en.pdf
 Karpov A. “Comment on 2nd Session: Diversity, Innovation and Networks”. 
 28. International Workshop on Game Theory and Economic Applications of the Game Theory Society, São Paulo, Brazil, July 25-31, 2014, http://www.iwgts.fea.usp.br/
 Sorokin C. “The role of information in conflict escalation”;
  • Kiselgof S. “Matchings with interval order preferences: efficiency vs strategyproofness”.
 29. Kyoto Institute of Economic Research Seminar, August 28, 2014, Kyoto, Japan, http://www.kier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/jpn/Workshop2007-.html
 Karpov A. “Russian enterprises meet sanctions”. 
 30. 7th International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, September 22-24, 2014, Warsaw, Poland, http://smps2014.ibspan.waw.pl/
 Lepskiy A. “On Comparison of Distorted Histograms”. 
 31. The 3rd International Conference on Belief Functions, September 26-28, 2014, Oxford, UK, http://cms.brookes.ac.uk/staff/FabioCuzzolin/BELIEF2014/index.html
 Lepskiy A. “General Schemes of Combining Rules and the Quality Characteristics of Combining”. 
 32. COST Action IC1205 on Computational Social Choice, October 20-22, 2014, Sibiu, Romania, http://www.illc.uva.nl/COST-IC1205/Events/Action-Meetings/Sibiu-2014/
  •  Shvydun S. “Properties of choice functions superpositions”. 
 33. VIII All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Mathematical modeling of a developing economy, ecology and technology”, October 21-24, 2014, Moscow, http://agora.guru.ru/display.php?conf=ecomod_ccas-2014
  •  Aleskerov F. “Selection model in the analysis of Big Data” (plenary paper);
  • Myachin A. “Application of new methods for the analysis of patterns in the study of economic indicators in the Russian Federation”.
 34. Seminar of Discrete Mathematics, Optimization and Decision, Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, December 9, 2014, http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/membre/seminaire/MDOD/indexEnglish.html
  •  Aleskerov F. “A model of decision making on stock exchange”.        
 35. Economic Theory Workshop, Economic Department of the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France, December 12, 2014, http://www.parisschoolofeconomics.eu/en/research/seminars/economic-theory-201/
  •  Aleskerov F. “On the analysis of demand on higher education with application to Russia”.


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