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Institute of Control Sciences seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis"

On Wednesday, May 12, the National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted an Institute of Control Sciences seminar "Expert opinion and data analysis".

Theme: «Equilibrium in safe strategies as a generalization of Nash equilibrium - definition and existence theorems»
Speaker: M.B. Iskakov, A.B. Iskakov (IPU RAS

Seminar leaders:
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Aleskerov Fuad Tagievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Novikov Dmitriy Aleksandrovich

Annotation :
As a part of the development of the previously proposed concept of solving non-cooperative games, Equilibrium in Safe Strategies (ESS), a fundamental theoretical justification of the cautious behavior model has been established. It is shown that EBS can be viewed as a generalization of the Nash-Cournot equilibrium concept. In an RBS, a player (i) cannot reduce his payoff in the case of any one-sided and advantageous deviation of another player, and (ii), having made an advantageous deviation himself, he will be a loser after a reciprocal advantageous rejection of any other player. We have obtained general existence theorems for the solution of the ESS, based on existence theorems for the Nash equilibrium.