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The roundtable "Theory of social choice, networks and ranking"

The International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis and the editorial of Journal of New Economic Association hold a discussion on February 2 as a videoconference.

The discussion was dedicated to the birthday of the director of the International Centre of Decision Choice and Analysis, prof. Fuad Aleskerov. Victor Polterovich, academician of RASs, and Boris Mirkin, professor of HSE, acted as moderators of the event. 
There were presentations of 8 leading experts in the theory of choice and decision making, in the modelling of socio-economic processes during the sessions of the roundtable. The fisrt session was about the development of tools for analysis of socio-economic data and decision making in socio-economic sphere, the second seccion - the modelling of economic processes.
The recording of roundtable is available at https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/n1e-LeVYREiAtJ3f7L-dpsbn9yNsitHypCI9Ist4fBNXICUPIPgdlbzQ4F9Mznls.W-n2hp4v-AOO8Q4Q