Lecturers at the Department of Integrated Communications Are the Best!
The results of the tenth voting jubilee for the best HSE lecturers according to students and alumni have been published.
The voting was as follows: students voted in LMS immediately after the teacher assessment procedure and training courses in Module 4. Each student could nominate no more than two lecturers and no more than two seminar/workshop instructors.
HSE alumni also have the right to vote: in the annual Fall Alumni' Monitoring, the 2019 graduates were able to list the names of three lecturers whose work and assistance was most memorable during their studies at HSE.
Another category of the voting winners was the best academic supervisors who received this status thanks to the success of their students in the Student Research Work Competition (NIRS-2019). Scientific supervisors of students, who became winners and were awarded 1st-3rd places in the contest, also get the status of the best lecturers.
Lecturers of the Department of Integrated Communications, listed as the best in the 2020 voting
Best lecturers according to the alumni
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Best academic supervisors according to the results of the NIRS competition
Associate Professor
We are very proud of our lecturers!