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HSE Students to Develop Energy-Efficient IoT Devices in Cooperation with MTS

HSE Students to Develop Energy-Efficient IoT Devices in Cooperation with MTS

© HSE University

HSE University and MTS have launched a joint project to develop IoT devices (NB-IoT) within the framework of the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems Master’s Programme and as part of the project activities undertaken by students of HSE’s Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. Students will have access to the equipment and the network in order to develop energy-efficient devices, while their professors will be provided with expert and advisory support from the MTS specialists.

HSE received 20 starter kits from MTS to develop energy-efficient IoT devices. These kits allow fast mastering of the NB-IoT network thanks to the open-source code, access to the IoT platform and compatibility with the Arduino platform. The development kit (DevKit) includes an appropriate number of cards, wires, microcontrollers and antennas with PC connectivity, access to the IoT platform, one-year unlimited access to the NB-IoT network, and a built-in SIM chip.

Kit for energy-efficient IoT device development
MTS Group, Press Service

Evgenii Krouk, Academic Supervisor, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, HSE University

Evgenii Krouk, Academic Supervisor, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, HSE University

The Russian university community has made significant headway in the development of innovative wireless communication systems and IoT. Broad cooperation between universities and leading telecommunication companies has a synergy effect, enabling universities to use modern equipment for scientific research and improving the quality of the educational process. Companies, in turn, enjoy access to new innovative ideas and solutions by training highly qualified personnel. We welcome MTS as a pioneer of such cooperation, and we are confident in its excellent prospects.

NB-IoT is an energy-efficient communications network for IoT. It allows devices to work for up to 10 years without battery replacement, and it is also characterized by an improved penetration rate that provides a stable signal even in poorly-accessible areas, such as basements, which are difficult to be reached by other communication standards. Unlike other LPWANs, NB-IoT operates in the licensed frequency spectrum through mobile networks, which guarantees data transmission security. Moreover, MTS applies SCEF (Service Capability Exposure Function) element in its network architecture, which allows data transmission from the IoT device to the platform without using IP addresses, thereby providing additional improved security of the transmitted data.

MTS has the largest NB-IoT network in Russia: it operates in more than 70 regions. In 2020, the number of devices connected to the NB-IoT network more than doubled. The main consumers are resource providers, companies in the housing and public utilities industries, and manufacturers of "smart devices". According to and order issued by the Russian Ministry of Communications, NB-IoT technology is foundational for the construction and development of IoT-friendly communication networks in Russia.

Mikhail Kozlov, Director of the IoT Department, MTS

Mikhail Kozlov, Director of the IoT Department, MTS

Energy efficient NB-IoT devices are already in demand in the fields of real estate, housing and public utilities, security, smart city, industry and many other sectors. They will become the main driver of IoT development in Russia in the next three to five years. As the leader of this market, one of MTS’s goals is to provide the most comfortable conditions for developers, both beginners and experienced professionals. DevKit offers solutions that facilitate data transmission, storage and processing, and device operation. The kit provides everything you need, including integration with the MTS IoT platform. Training programs we are preparing in cooperation with universities will be based on the practical work with the network. As a result, students will be able to create their own prototypes of interconnecting devices right now.