Tag " university rankings"

HSE University Comes Second in SuperJob Graduate Salary Ranking
SuperJob has published its annual ranking of Russian universities by salary earned by young professionals working in finance and economics. The ranking was based on data on university graduates for the period 2017–2022.

HSE University Comes First in Russian Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities
HSE University has taken first place in the ranking of entrepreneurial universities compiled by the ‘Expert’ analytical centre. In four years, the university has risen by five positions. This year, HSE University received the maximum number of points in the categories ‘Founders’, ‘Startups’ and ‘Investments’.

Employers Put HSE in Top-3 Best Russian Universities in RAEX Ranking
HSE University has taken third place in terms of demand for graduates on the job market in the RAEX ranking. HSE University has been in the Top-5 universities in the RAEX ranking for the last four years.

HSE University Consistently Ranks Among Top 3 Russian Universities
HSE University has been named a leading Russian university in the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings for the fourth year in a row. HSE ranked third among Russian universities and appeared in the 301–350 bracket worldwide.