The bachelor's program "Business Informatics" won the award of HH.RU in the field of information technology
Employment opportunities after graduation are one of the key factors when it comes to choosing a university and program. Rating prepared by the biggest recruitment platform in Russia reflects the real situation on the job market.
According to analysts, graduates of the rating participants are more often invited to interviews, they are offered a higher salary, and they are more likely to look for a job in their major field of study, in comparison to others.
The rating is based on the resumes of graduates of Moscow universities in 2018-2019, that were posted on the website. The rating presents: "9 professional spheres for which the most complete data was available: at least 1100 resumes with a correctly specified educational institution and with 20,000 vacancies in Moscow, which indicates the demand for these specializations in the job market."
The bachelor's program "Business Informatics" at the Graduate School of Business (Faculty of Business and Management before August 2020) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, has successfully debuted in the field of information technology. Fourth place for a beginner, not bad, right? We are proud of our graduates and academic staff, who train future successful specialists.