
‘Digital Chemistry Is the Cutting Edge of Science’
In 2024, a new track ‘Digital Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence Technologies’ will open within the Bachelor’s programme in Chemistry. This track will offer courses in digital engineering, multi-scale modelling, chemometrics, and chemoinformatics, as well as big data and artificial intelligence technologies. Specialists from HSE University, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University will be among the lecturers.

University-Wide Open Day to Be Held for Prospective Students
On March 12, HSE University will hold a university-wide Open Day for prospective students of bachelor’s and specialist programmes. The event will be held in the Pokrovka Building and will feature presentations by faculties and campuses, a talk by the Admissions Office, activities from student organisations, a tour of the university’s historical buildings and much more. Those interested in attending must register in advance.

‘The Faculty Has Fully Met My Expectations’
In 2019, HSE University opened a Faculty of Chemistry, which offers a new bachelor’s programme in Chemistry. The Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, meanwhile, has opened a new bachelor’s programme in Urban Planning. Students of the programmes’ first cohorts and their advisors spoke with HSE News Service about their first semester of study.