HSE MIEM to Be Named in Honour of Alexander Tikhonov
The HSE Academic Council session of December 23, 2016 passed a resolution to name HSE MIEM after Alexander Tikhonov, and to create an Alexander Tikhonov scholarship programme.
Alexander Tikhonov, Director and Academic Supervisor at HSE MIEM, passed away on December 9, 2016. His whole life was related to MIEM. He graduated from this institute in 1972, and later headed it twice: first as rector in the late 1980s, and then as academic supervisor and director since the end of 2011, after MIEM merged with HSE as per a Russian Government directive.
Under Tikhonov’s administration, MIEM came close to the country’s best engineering universities such as ITMO, MEPhI, and MIPT, in terms of average USE grades among prospective students. It outperformed even acknowledged leaders such as MISiS, Bauman MSTU, and Tomsk Polytechnic University. In 2015 and 2016, MIEM staff members published 350 papers affiliated with HSE in Scopus, including those in such authoritative journals as Physical Review Letters, Carbon, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Physics-Uspekhi, and others. MIEM today makes a major contribution in creating intellectual property registered by HSE in Rospatent.
In naming MIEM after Alexander Tikhonov and founding a scholarship in his name, HSE seeks to commemorate an individual who made such an important contribution to the Institute’s development and to the university as a whole.