
HSE Enters Top 10 Universities by Number of Online Courses on Coursera
As of today, HSE offers 46 courses on Coursera, an international online education platform, and one third of them are English-taught. This means that HSE is one of the Top 10 universities by the number of online courses offered on that platform.
HSE One of Four Russian Universities in THE Top-100 Subject Rankings
Higher School of Economics (HSE) is the sole Russian academic institution to appear on the ranking’s Top-100 for ‘Business and Economics’, holding the 83rd spot.
HSE Announces Student Research Competition
Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.
HSE Endowment to Back Student Participation in International Contests
The funding will be allocated on a competitive basis. The first round of applications has already started and will run until October 15, 2016.

Who is a Data Scientist?
Konstantin Golyaev, BSc in Economics'2004 HSE, MAE NES’2006, Ph.D., University of Minnesota 2011, explains how this interdisciplinary field is related to a graduate degree in economics
Faculty of Economics Undergraduate Programmes Get ACCA Accreditation
Thanks to this accreditation, future graduates of the HSE undergraduate programmes in Economics and Economics & Statistics will no longer have to sit the exams necessary to obtain an Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (АССА) qualification.
I Had Amazing Time All Four Years at HSE
Arshak Minasyan, a recent graduate of the Bachelor’s program "Economics" of the Faculty of Economic Sciences takes a chance to thank HSE
331 bachelor students and 204 master students were awarded degrees at the end of June. Among them 65 students were awarded Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude.
Volunteering Is A Magic Pill In The Labor Market... Or Is It?
Many teenagers today are involved in unpaid activities. Why do they do this?
Anna Malova, Bachelor program Economics' 2016 alumna is looking for an answer.
Why Students Cheat?
If one asks Google this exact question she will get about 22,000,000 results in 0.50 seconds. As our alumna Anastasiia Faikina (Bachelor’s programme 'Economics'2016) discovered, yet there is no theoretical model that would explain the phenomenon. So she decided to take charge