Tag "new at HSE"
HSE International Student Admissions to Continue as Usual for the 2020/2021 Academic Year
In the event of unfavorable conditions or border closures due to the pandemic, HSE University will be organizing online learning with mandatory support from professors for newly enrolled international students. To do this, the University has all the required infrastructure.
The HSE Crow: Mascot Now Lives on Myasnitskaya Lamppost
A weather vane in the shape of a big-beaked bird has appeared near the HSE building on Myasnitskaya Street in Moscow. The Crow’s ceremonial unveiling coincided with the 85th birthday of HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin, who initiated it as our university’s mascot.
HSE to Focus on Applied Research of Human Capital
In order to research human capital, Lilia Ovcharova, a renowned scholar and expert on social policy, has been appointed Vice Rector responsible for applied human capital research at HSE. Human capital development studies are key priority for our university.
‘It Is Essential for University to Reach Common Understanding on Key Issues’
Valeria Kasamara, Senior Director for Government Relations, has been appointed new Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Relations, taking over the position from Igor Chirikov*. She spoke to the HSE News Service about what is special about the contemporary students, and about her plans for the new position.