Electives allow students to individualize their education tracks in East Asian Studies and obtain practical skills with respect to their Minor, as well as get a supplement to their Kyung Hee University Degree in Global Business or International Relations. At the start of the first year, students choose their Major in East Asian Studies: Chinese Studies, Korean Studies or Japanese Studies. In the second year, students may select one course for their Minor, and in the third year, three to four courses for their Minor.
Year 2
History of International Relations / История международных отношений
The course “History of International Relations, XX century” is aimed for the students who mastered the basics of World History of New and Modern Period. They are supposed to compare now the main sources and the nature of international tension that characterized the pre-First World War as well as the pre-Second World War periods. This will be carried out through the analyses of main ideological, political, economic and cultural trends both of international and regional scale. The personal influence over the system of International Relations by outstanding figures of the XX century historical scene will be analyzed All this will enable to trace the true reasons for the start of the Cold War straight after the common victory in WW-II. The developments of the second half of the XX-th century will be studied through the prism of UN formation, creation of bi-polar system, decolonization process, the establishment of new actors for the system of international relations. All this will bring us closer to the understanding of main ideas and comprehensive theory of international relations created by modern foreign politics exercised by numerous sovereign states.
Principles of Marketing / Основы маркетинга
This course is designed to introduce you to the essentials of marketing: the creation of value for customers and firms and the strategies and methods marketers use. The course provides a foundation for applying the concepts, theories, and tools of marketing. Marketing decisions involve which customers to serve, with which products or services, at what price, through which channels. These decisions are influenced by the market environment, current and potential competitors, and the organization’s own resource constraints. Upon satisfactory completion of this course, a student should have the ability to analyze, discuss, describe, and demonstrate the marketing processes and strategies that firms utilize when marketing their products.
Year 3
Advertising / Реклама
Advertising is surveyed as a major part of a brand’s integrated marketing communications process which presents brand information and spurs consumer behavior.
Business Creativity / Деловое мышление
This course helps students to get to know and understand how the modern business environment works and to give them real skills in developing a business, product or idea. The course takes students on a journey to develop a creative business proposal based on his/her own passion from the beginning stages of thinking and brainstorming ideas through to presenting a final product or business concept to a panel of experts and potential investors.
Consumer Behavior / Поведение потребителей
This course addresses issues related to consumer behavior from a number of different viewpoints. It examines the influences of psychological, sociological, and cultural variables on buying behavior and marketing strategy development.
Contemporary Theories of International Relations / Современные теории международных отношений
This course deals with theories and topics of international relations that are currently in vogue. Studying of constructivism, postmodernism, and possibly modern physics might be some of the topics this course will cover.
Culture and International Relations / Культура и международные отношения
We are living in a postmodern world in which culture and politics interact in so many ways. How politics is related to the cultural phenomena such as movies, novels, and cartoon is the main question this course deals with. By examining the political meanings hidden in the popular culture, this course hopes to widen the intellectual horizon of the students.
Global Data Analysis for Economics and Business / Анализ данных для экономики и бизнеса
The objective of Global Data Analysis is to provide basic understanding of the data and to enhance the competence and practical skill in various data analysis using statistical packages such as R, STATA, and SAS. The preliminary course is Statistics for Social Science.
Global Marketing / Международный маркетинг
This course intends to understand the basic concepts and applications of marketing in the global market environment. The major topics of this course include the function of marketing in business management, marketing decision-making process, the analysis of market and consumer, and global marketing strategies.
International Conflict and Resolution / Урегулирование международных конфликтов
This module provides students with an opportunity to work on case studies in conflict analysis. Students will develop the skills required to analyze the roots, dynamics, key actors and issues-areas in specific conflicts. You will be introduced to the theoretical frameworks contained within conflict analysis that can be used to develop an understanding of case studies. Problems associated with researching conflict and violence will also be tackled. This will provide the basis for each student to engage in a detailed case study of their own.
International Negotiation / Практика международных переговоров
International negotiations are complicated interactions including conflictual and cooperative aspects among states. This course explores the basic theories of negotiations using game theories and psychological approaches. This course also covers various examples of real-world international negotiations in trade, finance, security, political and other issue areas.
International Terrorism / Международный терроризм
This module introduces the student to a series of theoretical, conceptual, methodological and policy-relevant issues in the study of terrorism and extremism. It is divided in two parts, the first of which analyses the definitional challenges that the study of terrorism poses, it explains the different typologies and highlights the causes as they have been identified by scholars over the years. As such, it leads to an analysis of both the orthodox and the critical approaches in the study of terrorism, which will equip the student with an understanding of the development of the research on terrorism. The second part of the module employs case studies in order to examine the dichotomy between ‘old’ and ‘new’ terrorism, and highlights those issues that should be taken into account when attempting to foresee the progression of both the phenomenon, as well as the research on it.
Investment Analysis / Инвестиционный анализ
This course is designed to acquaint the student with the concepts of portfolio analysis in the general area of institutional investment management. The course discusses principles for managing financial assets. These principles apply, for example, to investing in stocks, fixed income securities, and derivatives and to managing mutual funds, hedge funds, bank-administered trust, and other institutional funds. Students will learn how to establish appropriate investment objectives, develop optimal portfolio strategies, estimate risk-return tradeoffs, and evaluate investment performance. Many of the latest quantitative approaches are discussed.
Law & Global Governance / Современные проблемы глобального управления
This course explores a range of legal disciplines, which purport to explain how we are governed globally. It will focus on the field of international law and organization, examining the history of ideas, legal doctrines, institutional structures developed over the last century to organize and legalize international economic and political life. It will situate the UN system in relationship to the broader institutional structures of public international law and regulation, private ordering and multinational enterprise, non-governmental organization and transnational cooperation. It will examine the functioning of these various international organizational mechanisms in a series of different substantive areas, paying particular attention to environment, economic regulation, development, and the use of force.
Science, Technology and Society / Наука, технологии, общество
This class brings together a select group of students to consider the manner in which technological change transforms society and how the human experience is both improved and degraded by advances in technology. In particular, there is evidence that technological change is advancing at an unprecedented rate today. What are the implications of such change for our future and how should we prepare to create a better society given the complex challenges we face.
Understanding International Law / Основные проблемы современного международного права
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of public international law and the international legal system. It will cover the traditional major topics in this field such as the sources and subjects of international law, the jurisdiction of states, and the relationship between international law and domestic law. This course aims to give students a global understanding of the rules governing international relations, which is considered to encompass the binding norms and principles dealing with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter se and, the ever-present tension between theory and practice that arises in the application of international law to real-world situations.
War and Peace / Проблемы войны и мира
How do wars begin? Are they inevitable? These are some of the questions that this course will try to answer. And after having studied historical cases, we will explore the possibility of achieving peace at personal, societal, and international levels. Active student participation in the class and philosophical thinking are absolutely needed for this course.