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How to get the Student ID

You can get your ID on September 8th and 9th. For more info, please read the article.

Dear Freshmen!

We congratulate you on the beginning of the academic year and a new exciting stage of your life, full of pleasant acquaintances, new knowledge, life experience, and unforgettable moments!

For further study activities, you need to have student ID. Using student ID will let you get a library card and an electronic ID pass. You can get your Student ID on September 8th and 9th, the timing is according to this list.

Before you get the ID, please read the following documents, sign them, and bring them with you:

1. Form of Acknowledgment with Charter and Bylaws of HSE University (DOC, 131 Кб)

2. Consent to the Processing of Personal Data  (PDF, 118 Кб)

To get your ID, please be present at the assembly hall in the new HSE building of 29 Malaya Ordynka St. at the time specified in the list above.