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Graduation Thesis Topics

Dear Students,

On this page you can find sample topics of graduation theses for the academic year 2024/2025. If you would like to submit an initiative topic of coursework, please contact your chosen supervisor in advance.

You can apply for the topic of the graduation theses in the LMS system from October 28 to November 10.

Please note! Before submitting an application in the LMS, be sure to get a preliminary consent from your supervisor that he/she is willing to take you under his/her supervision, and agree with him/her on the exact wording of the topic.

Eriks Varpahovskis


1. Challenges and Opportunities of Sino-Nordic Science Diplomacy
2. Comparison of South Korean and Japanese Arctic Diplomacy
3. Nation Branding and Soft Power Through Transnational Higher Education in Asia (select countries)
4. Evaluation of Memory Wars in East Asia Through the Concept of Cultural Security
5. Comparison of South Korean and Japanese ODA Diplomacy in Africa/ASEAN/Central Asia/ Latin America (select region)
6. City Diplomacy in Asia (select cities): What Are Conditions That Turn Cities into Political Actors
7. What Is a Successful Science Diplomacy (select case study, e.g., ITER): Exploration of Outcomes of Country's Participation in Science Mega-Projects
8. Youth Diplomacy As a Driver of Country Image Promotion (select case study, e.g., GKS, MEXT, OIC youth forum, BRICS youth forum, etc.)
9. Evaluation of Mega-Events As a Country Branding Instrument (select a case study in Asia, e.g., Olympics, EXPO, hosting headquarters, etc.)
10. Chinese Museum Diplomacy As Public Diplomacy and Soft Power Tool
11. Video Products (Series, Movies, Mukbang, etc.) As a Driver of Purchase Behavior (Experimental study)
12. Evolution of South Korean Migration Policy: Exploration of Factors Causing Policy Change
13. Diaspora Diplomacy in Asia (select case study, e.g., the Chinese diaspora in Malaysia): Factors Causing Transformation of Diaspora into a Political Actor
14. Development of Migration Policies in Asia
Васильев Дмитрий Владимирович


1. North Korea's Nuclear Crisis: Security Challenges in the Asia Pacific Region
2. The Influence of US-China Rivalry on Security Dynamics in the Asia Pacific Region
3. The Role of ASEAN in Mediating Security Tensions in the South China Sea: Challenges and Opportunities
4. The Taiwan Strait: Security Challenges in the US-China Relations
5. Nuclear Deterrence on the Korean Peninsula: Evaluating the Risks and Prospects for Peace
6. Japan's Evolving Security Policy: Balancing Regional Threats
Alexander V. Daniltsev


1. ASEAN Economic Community and Digital Agenda 2025: Regulatory implications for e-Commerce (or technological startups)
2. Impact of Economic Sanctions on Russia’s Trade and Economic Cooperation (China, ASEAN)
3. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Foreign Economic Relations and Global Value Chains (China, ASEAN)
4. Trade and Technological Wars (PRC-USA): Implications for the Multilateral Trade System
5. Eurasian Economic Conjunction Projects: EAEU-SCO-ASEAN-One Belt One Road Initiative
6. Contemporary Regionalism: Opportunities and Risks for International Trade and Business (CPTPP, RCEP, EU-Japan Partnership, ASEAN FTAs)
Ivan Deseatnicov


1. Economic Analysis of Innovation in Asia
2. Technological Decoupling and Its Consequences
3. Economic Analysis of Globalization
4. Economic Effects of Capital Controls
5. Economic Analysis of Global Value Chains
6. Multinational Companies and Their Activities in Asia
7. Economic Analisys of Foreign Markets Entry and Exit
8. Economic Effects of Export Controls
Olesya Emelyanova

(by prior arrangement only!) emelianovalesia@hotmail.com

1. Energy Transition in Japan. Problems and Perspectives
2. The Results and Perspectives of the R&D Strategy Development in Japan
3. Perspectives of Circular Economy Development Strategy in Japan
4. New Horizons of Japanese Economic Development Since Resignation of Shinzo Abe
5. “Smart City” Development Program in Japan (or Other East Asian Countries) and Its Effect on the Economy
Nina V. Ershova


1. The Strategies of Asian Firms on Foreign Markets
2. Japanese Management Adaptation and Transformation Abroad
3. Asian Economies in the Energy Resources Trade
4. Japanese Energy Policy
5. Technological Develoment and Economic Growth of Asian Economies
6. Innovations and Technology Transfer in Asian Economies
Olga Klochko


1. Internationalization Strategies of Asian Multinational Enterprises
2. Asian MNCs in the global automobile industry - player strategies and structural shifts in the industry
3. Specifics of X Country Participation in Y Global Value Chain
4. Portfolio Transformation in Asian MNEs
5.Global steel industry - Asian companies' strategies and structural shifts in the industry
6. Characteristics and Key Trends of Foreign Direct Investments of Asian Countries
Курапова Анна Геннадьевна


1. Intellectual Property as a Factor of Economic Growth on the Example of Asian Countries
2. Economic and Legal Aspects of Franchising in Asian Countries
3. The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of the Institution of Intellectual Property
4. Loans Secured by Intellectual Property in China and South Korea: Problems and Prospects
5. Features of Legal Regulation of Intellectual Property in Asian Countries
6. Challenges Creation and Management of Intangible Assets on the Example of Asian Countries
7. Problems of Effective Use of Intellectual Property in Competition in Global Markets
8. Features of Intellectual Property Protection in Global Online Markets on the Example of Asian Countries
9. Policies of Foreign Countries on Issues of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Under Sanctions Restrictions
Ларина Татьяна Игоревна


1. The Image of Country N in the Minds of Russian and Chinese Youth
2. The Image of a Terrorist: Comparing the Views of Russian and Chinese Youth
3. The Main Fears of the Youth of Russia and China
4. The Role of Emotional Culture in the Daily Practices of the Youth of the Country N
5. Social Infantilism in Russian and Asian-type Societies
6. Patriotism in Russian and Chinese: Comparison of Russian and Chinese students
7. Questions of Sociology: Mass Surveys in Russia and China
8. Strategies for Resolving Conflicts in the Team: Comparison of Russia and China
9. The Image of Terrorists in the Media: China vs. Hong Kong
Alexander Larionov


1. Economic Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Sphere of Trade
2. Economic Cooperation Between Russia and China in the Sphere of Investments
3. Сooperation Between Russia and China in the Field of Payment Systems
4. The Factors of Chinese Banking System Development
5. The Factors of Chinese Insurance Market Development
6. Demographic situation in China
Elena Ostrovskaya


1. Migration as a Global Problem Illustrated by Asian Countries
2. Particularities of Integration Process in the Asia-Pacific Region
3. ASEAN Soft Model of Regional Integration
4. The Impact of the EU Green Deal on Asian Countries' Exports to Europe
5. RTAs as a Distinct Feature of the New Regionalism
6. The Role of BRICS in the Formation of a New World Order
7.The EU – China Trade Links
8. Outcomes of the EC-Asian Country RTA (to choose from Japan, South Korea, Vietnam etc)
9. First Outcomes of the EAEU – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement
10. FTA as an Instrument of South Korean Economic Growth
11. Possible Consequences of the Conclusion of the Agreement on a Free Trade Zone Between the EAEU and Indonesia for the Development of Mutual Trade and Economic Cooperation
12. The EAEU – ASEAN Trade Links
13. The EAEU Looking Eastward: Challenges and Prospects of Economic Cooperation
14. ASEAN Importance as a Regional Trade Block
15. Dealing with Pollution in Asia: Best Practice Cases
16. Regulation of Digital Trade Within the ASEAN: Challenges and Prospects
17. Priorities of India Within BRICS
18. ASEAN as a Soft Power Politics Case
19. Asian Countries Role in the Paris Climate Agreement Implementation
20. Big Eurasia Project
21. One Belt One Road Initiative and Infrastructure Challenges for Russia
22. Bringing Together the North Sea Link and One Belt – One Road Initiative
23. The Limits and Possibilities of Cooperation between Russia and China or India within BRICS
24. Russian Infrastructure Challenges in the Light of OBOR Initiative
25. The Main Areas of Cooperation Between the United States, Japan and South Korea in the Asia-Pacific Region
26. The Impact of the Sanctions Confrontation with the West on the Development of Cooperation between Russia and ASEAN
27. The Impact of the Sanctions Confrontation with the West on the Development of Cooperation between Russia and China
28. The Impact of the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement on Mutual Cooperation
29. Russian Energy Competing for Asian Markets
30. Energy Transition and Sustainable Development in BRICS Countries
31. The Role of APEC in the Asian Region
32. The Chinese Stance on the WTO Reform
33. Trade Policy Making Mechanism in China
34. Economic Support Policy in China
35. China's BRICS Priorities
36. Business Opportunities for Asian Countries in the Russian Far East
37. Russia and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
38. The Impact of SCO Enlargement on the Priorities of Mutual Cooperation of Member States
39. Comparative Analysis of the Role of Russia and China in Central Asia
40. The Role of China in Africa
41. RCEP – a New Phase in Regional Cooperation
42. First Outcomes of the TPP
43. Comparative Analysis of TTP-11 and RCEP
44. South Korea's RCEP Priorities
45. RCEP as an Incentive for the Development of Cooperation Between Japan and China
46. Evolution of the USA Policy Towards TTP
47. The Role of the USA in Asia
48. The WTO Governmental Procurement Deal: Challenges for Asian Countries
49. Western Sanctions Against Russia: the Role of Asian Countries
50. The Impact of Western Sanctions on Russian Exports to Asian Countries
51. Russian Economic Priorities while Turning East
52. Advantages and Opportunities for Russia's Turn to the East
Olga Puzanova


1. Japanese Domestic and Foreign Policy Analysis
2. Bilateral and Multilateral Relations Involving Japan in East Asia
3. Territorial Disputes in East Asia
4. Historical Memory and Related Issues in Japan and East Asia
5. Societal and Demographic Issues in Japan or in Japan VS Another Country of Choice
6. Modern and Contemporary History of East Asia, including Political and Economic History as well as History of Art and Religion
Yurii Saplin-Silanovitsky


1. Russia-Japan Trade and Economic Relations
2. Japan's Economic Policy Towards Asia
3. Contemporary Japan-China Economic Relations
4. Japanese Management
Georgy Safonov


1. Economic Assessment of Green Energy Deployment in the Leading Economies of Asia: Current Trends and Long-term Perspectives
2. Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Asian Region: Key Plays, Strategies and Cooperation Opportunities
3. Sustainability in Asia: Country Case Studies
Alexandra Sizova


1. International Relations in East and Central Asia in the Early 21st Century
2. Foreign Policy of the PRC in the 21st Century: Goals, Institutions, Mechanisms
3. Russia’s Diplomacy in East Asia at the Beginning of the 21st Century
4. The Image of China in Foreign Countries’ Media in the Early 21st Century
5. The Symbols of Traditional Culture in the Diplomatic and Marketing Strategies of China/Mongolia
6. The Development of the Social Sector in China in the "New Era"
7. China’s Scientific and Technological Development in the 21st Century
8. Information Technology and the Internet in the PRC in the 21st Century
9. Chinese Business Culture: Traditions and Transformations in the 21st Century
10. Business Education in Contemporary China
Sergey Chernikov

schernikov@hse.ru, sergeycher2003@mail.ru

1. The Economic Outcome of Controversies Between Feminism and Confucianism Traditions in East-Asian Countries
2. Women Involvement Impact on Gaming Industry in South Korea/Japan/South-Eastern Asia
3. The Evolution of Food Traditions in East Asian Countries Food Markets
4. Cultural and Consumption Impact Analysis of Housing Problems in Asian Countries
5. Digitalization Impact on Social Problems resolution of East- and South-Eastern Asian States
6. Comparative Analysis of Influencer Marketing Patterns in Asian Countries (at least 3)
7. Western Influence on Marriage Patterns and Markets in East — Asian Countries
8. Psychotherapy Market Patterns Within the Culture and Lifestyle of Asian Countries
9. "Kodokushi" and "Silver Economics" Phenomena Comparison in East- and South-East Asian Countries (at least 3)
10. Evolution of an «Ideal Boyfriend» Brand in the Culture of Asian Countries in 1990-2021 Period
11. Comparative Profit Analysis of Governmental Social-economic Investments into Cultural "Hallyu"-style Exports in Asian Countries
12. Reflection of «Healthy Lifestyle» Trend Among Female Consumers in Asian Countries
13. "InfoGypsy" Market Patterns in East-Asian Countries
14. "Sharing Economy" Patterns in East-Asian Countries
15. Education Markets Evolution in Asian Countries Within the 2000-2023 Period
Denis Shcherbakov


1. Russia-Japan Investment Cooperation
2. Russia-Japan Trade Cooperation
Alina Shcherbakova


1. Transformation of the Global Food Market in the XXI Century
2. Changes in Asian Consumption: Economic Consequences for Global Food Market
3. Food Security in Asia
4. Food Trade Between Russia and Asian Countries
5. GMOs and Asia: Opportunities and Obstacles
6. Sustainable Development in Asia
7. Asia and Latin America: Economic Cooperation