550 000 RUB/year

No enrolment
Ethiopia is a region with a unique history, a country of grand monuments that attract tourists from around the world. It is also a country currently flourishing as it reaps the benefits of an economic recovery. However, it is impossible to restore and develop connections with this region without a deep understanding of the different sides of the Ethiopian world, including its Muslim cultures and their long-standing ties with the Arab world.
The programme aims to train specialists in the Christian and Muslim cultures of Ethiopia and the Arab countries that have traditionally been closely linked with Ethiopia and other countries of the Horn of Africa. Therefore, the programme is focused on the study of the classical Ethiopian language (Geez), Amharic, and Arabic, as well as the study of Ethiopian and Arabic literature, the history of Ethiopia and its contacts with the Arab world, the history of the Christian and Muslim World, and the literary tradition of the Ethiopian region.