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Internship Design

Pursuant to the Regulations for Project Work, Research and Internships of HSE Studentsapproved by the minutes No.0719 of the HSE Academic Council dated June 24, 2016, “internships are anintegral part of any degree programme; they are designed to enable students to acquire professionalskills and experience, get immersed into professional environment and develop non-project professionalcompetencies. The principal learning outcome of student internships is a first-hand familiarity with theprofessional environment and the development of practical skills and know-how in the chosenprofessional field. The environment and the main means and methods of student work during theinternship should be as close as possible to the means and methods used in the respective professionalfield”.

Internships are designed to develop managerial skills and open career paths.
According to HSE original educational standards, bachelor’s students must participate in researchinternship (3rd Year, 5 credits, duration: 3 weeks) and pre-graduation internships (4th Year, 10 credits,duration: 4 weeks).
Internship placement helps students to perfect the skills they were taught in class.
Pre-graduation internships help students to write a thesis.
Bachelor’s students mostly do internships at government bodies, public sector organizations,government agencies, public corporations, state-owned enterprises, and non-commercial organizations.
Students with disabilities and health limitations go on internships to places that are accessible tothem.
The Programme’s Coordinator is responsible for general oversight of internships.

Internship Status

All internships included into the curriculum are mandatory.
Students who have not completed their research internship cannot proceed to thesispreparation and defence.
Upon completion of the internship, students provide an internship report signed by theinternship supervisors at the Faculty and at the host institution (if applicable)20 as well as a referencefrom the host institution signed by the internship supervisor at the host institution. Internship results aredetermined by an interim assessment in the form of an exam.

Supervision of the practical training

The Tutoring Centre arranges internships for the Faculty of Social Sciences, which SPA is a partof. The Tutoring Centre scouts and negotiates internship options and can enter into agreements with organizations hosting student internships.
When a student internship is organised, one of the School’s faculty members is selected as theinternship supervisor. The supervisor develops an internship schedule (plan) and outline (to be approved by the Programme’s Coordinator and agreed with the internship supervisor at the host institution),designs individual tasks for students to complete during their internship, monitors deadlines andevaluates the internship results.

An internship outline defines the following:
- internship objectives and projected outcomes in relation to the projected learning outcomes ofthe degree programme;
- internship’s place in the overall structure of the degree programme;
- credits awarded for the internship, and internship duration in weeks;
- scope of the internship;
- reporting requirements;
- other relevant information.

Students undertake internships in accordance with the outline and internship assignment agreedwith the host institution. Once an internship is over, students prepare an internship report to be signedby the internship supervisors at the Faculty and at the host institution (if applicable), and an internshiplog containing a review of the student’s performance prepared by the internship supervisor.

Internship Placement

Today, HSE has signed (and is implementing) agreements with major employers on workplacement for students. They include the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,the Russian Ministry of Finances, and the Moscow City Government.
HSE also has the following internship partners:
- Analytic Centre to the Government of the Russian Federation
- Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
- Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
- Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
- Federal Service for Labour and Employment of the Russian Federation
- Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation
- Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
- Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
- Autonomous non-commercial organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives for Promoting New Projects”

Over 20% of the 2015-2016 graduating class was invited for employment to the stategovernment bodies where it had done internships.