On Campus
Six New Things to See on HSE Day 2018
HSE Day is an annual event that never fails to surprise guests with something new. Below is a list of six new themed events to be featured at this year’s festival in Gorky Park on September 13.

HSE Day For Everyone
On September 13, the annual HSE Day will take place in Gorky Park. This is an exciting event, open to people of all ages and backgrounds. Every year, the choice of activities becomes longer and longer. Find out here what’s on offer – there’s something for everyone.
HSE Announces Student Research Competition
Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.
HSE Competition to Support Student Initiatives Kicks Off
The Student Initiative Support Centre has announced that applications are now being accepted for the 2016 Autumn Student Project Competition. There are no limits to project themes; they may involve an adaptation or media project, as well as cover sports, cultural or social topics. The main idea is that they are supposed to bring an improvement to HSE. Applications can be submitted by both individuals and groups, but projects must be led by an HSE student.