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Introduction into Python

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Compulsory course
2 year, 1 module


Perevyshina, Tatiana

Course Syllabus


The Python programming language is one of the easiest to learn and popular programming languages. The aim of the course is to learn the basic constructs of the Python language, which will be useful in solving a wide range of problems - from data analysis to the development of new software products. The course provides the necessary foundation for mastering more specialized areas of the Python language, such as machine learning, statistical data processing, data visualization, and many others. The course offers a large number of programming tasks, arranged in order of increasing complexity, which allows you to consolidate the studied material in practice.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Students achieve excellent results by doing a considerable amount of practical exercises both in class and at home and taking part in group projects
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Know and differentiate basic Python data types. Choose the correct data types based on the problem in hand
  • Know and understand basic Python syntax
  • Load and use additional Python modules
  • Use Python for routine tasks automation
  • Use Python to read and write structured and unstructured files
  • Write their own functions
  • Use Jupyter Notebook or similar program
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Intro and logistics. Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook. First program.
  • Data types: integers and strings. Input and output. Strings formatting.
  • Data types: floating-point numbers and boolean. Logical operators. Conditionals.
  • While loop.
  • Data types: lists and tuples. For loop.
  • For Loop (2nd Part)
  • Methods I (Strings)
  • Methods II (Lists)
  • Review I.
  • Data types: sets and dictionaries.
  • Nested Structures
  • Functions
  • Working with text files in Python.
  • Review II
  • TEST
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking HW
  • non-blocking Oral survey
    формат сдачи контрольного мероприятия зависит от формата проведения занятий (для онлайн-занятий – возможно использование прокторинга)
  • non-blocking Quizes
    формат сдачи контрольного мероприятия зависит от формата проведения занятий (для онлайн-занятий – возможно использование прокторинга)
  • non-blocking MT
    формат сдачи контрольного мероприятия зависит от формата проведения занятий (для онлайн-занятий – возможно использование прокторинга)
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 1st module
    Final = min(8, ROUND(grade*0.9)) grade = HW *0.15 + Oral survey *0.25 + Quizes *0.3 + MT*0.3 Комментарий к формуле: Пункт ПОПАТКУСа 69. Независимый экзамен может иметь факультативные или обязательные дисциплины-пререквизиты, включенные в учебный план образовательной программы. Степень обязательности дисциплин-пререквизитов определяется в программе независимого экзамена или в иных локальных нормативных актах, описывающих особенности формирования компетенций. Оценка, выставляемая по итогам промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине-пререквизиту к независимому экзамену по цифровой компетенции, не может быть больше 8 баллов.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Lutz, M. (2008). Learning Python (Vol. 3rd ed). Beijing: O’Reilly Media. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=415392
  • Python for data analysis : data wrangling with pandas, numPy, and IPhython, Mckinney, W., 2017

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Taieb, D. (2018). Data Analysis with Python : A Modern Approach. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1993344


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  • Karpov Maksim Evgenevich