Entrepreneur and wine business specialist, Ms. Kanako Ikeda, gave a lecture on "Wine Business in Asia: The Case of Japan, Challenges and Opportunities"
On March 20, the third public lecture in the series "Business and Management in Asia" of the Master Program “International Management” took place on the topic "Wine Business in Asia: The Case of Japan, Challenges and Opportunities".
Emmanuel Quidet, Honorary President of CCI France Russie, gave a lecture to students of "International Business" and "International Management" programs
On March 6, " International companies in Russia in a time of turbulence — the challenges and opportunities " took place.
Professor Stanislav Kiselev, Graduate School of Business, National Research University Higher School of Economics gave an open lecture at the Master in International Management program
On February, 07, the second public lecture in the "Business and Management in Asia" series of the Master's Programme in International Management was held.