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ICEF directorate and staff received HSE medals and notes of acknowledgement

On October 22, some university staff members were awarded HSE medals and notes of acknowledgement from the Rector. 

ICEF directorate and staff received medals:

The ‘Acknowledgement – 20 Years of Successful Work’ Medal was Presented to:

Sergey Yakovlev, Director of the International College of Economics and Finance

Oleg Zamkov, Deputy Director at the International College of Economics and Finance

The ‘Acknowledgement – 10 Years of Successful Work’ Medal was Presented to:

Irina Vlasova, Leading Economist at the International College of Economics and Finance

Elena Melgunova, Adviser at the International College of Economics and Finance

In January 2018 ICEF staff received awards on the occasion of ICEF and HSE Anniversaries >>


Sergey Yakovlev, Director of the International College of Economics and Finance Oleg Zamkov, Deputy Director at the International College of Economics and Finance
Irina Vlasova, Leading Economist at the International College of Economics and Finance Elena Melgunova, Adviser at the International College of Economics and Finance