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ICEF accommodation

HSE has its scheme for accommodating international students that is modelled on housing programmes of other international universities. The new scheme allows students to choose the best housing option based on their preferences and financial resources.

Students can use the services of the HSE Student Housing Office, whose tasks include accommodating students in the facilities rented by the university; advising students on all housing-related issues; liaising with partner rental agencies; and providing assistance to students living in apartments in the event of any housing issues.

For more information about HSE accommodation s please visit this page.

ICEF provides its students the opportunity to live in accommodation of the HSE University, Accommodation in the "Student Housing Centre" or LCD Level Amurskaya at the expense of ICEF for one year after admission. Then the student pays for the accommodation himself.

The student pays for utilities himself. Accommodation conditions – a room for 4 or 6 people.