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ICEF alumni reunion in London 2016

December 1, 2016 the London School of Economics (LSE) and ICEF organized the reception for alumni who continue their education or work in London. Around 30 graduates visited the reunion.

The meeting was attended by the LSE and University of London (UoL) representatives: Deputy Director of the UoL International Programmes at LSE John Ferrá, Director of Global Engagement at the UoL Mike Winter, Director of ICEF Project from LSE side Professor Richard Jackman, Professor Kevin Sheedy, Doctors Jörn Rothe and Claire Gordon. University of Oxford Professor Dimitrios Tsomocos who gives lectures at ICEF on a regular basis also attended.

ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev, Deputy Director Oleg Zamkov, Head of International Department Anastasia Telitsina presented ICEF on the reunion.

Many ICEF graduates who work and study in London talked to their former fellow students, other years’ graduates, professors, shared their plans and achievements, learned a lot about their fellows and about recent Alma Mater’s achievements.