“ICEF’s best-performing students do show the level of skill expected of the students of the world’s top universities”
Is it difficult to enroll in a university abroad? Where do Russian students go wrong when they start an overseas training programme? Will artificial intelligence eventually replace humans in the domain of Finance? We talked to Dr. Georgy Chabakauri of The London School of Economics and ICEF International Academic Committee to get answers to these and many other questions.
ICEF held a ceremony of commendation letters awards from LSE
This autumn ICEF BSc programme’s 3rd and 4th year students received awards and commendation letters for outstanding results at international examinations, and an official proof of these achievements was delivered to ICEF a few days ago.
ICEF held the Anti-conference. You heard that right.
Once a year ICEF finds time to host reporters on all kinds of unscientific topics. The 2017 graduates (the year ICEF had its anniversary) meet at the New Year holiday gathering called “Unconference”, where they take the floor to talk on what is essential but outrageously unacademic.Who presented at Anticonference-2019? What was special about the programme? What did our graduates convey to us? We go ahead.
“I fell in love with London when I first went to the LSE Summer School”
On December 5, a meeting of ICEF Alumni was held in London with the participation of ICEF.LSE project team members in a new LSE Centre Building. ICEF ex-students shared their personal stories.
ICEF met chinese applicants
ICEF Chinese applicants attended HSE Global Scholarship Competition hosted in Beijing, and the most interesting field for local students was Mathematics.
ICEF students are the world's best
University of London summed up the results of studying on the Double Degree International Programme – at the exam in 2019, our students showed the best result among Programme participators in other countries.
'We Are Well in Line with the data science trends in Finance'
On October 25-26, the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) and the Laboratory of Financial Economics (LFE) hosted the Eighth International Moscow Finance Conference at HSE University. This year’s programme included researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley; University of Warwick; University of Lausanne; Imperial College and the London School of Economics.
Visit of UoL and LSE representatives to ICEF
In September 2019 ICEF partners from University of London and London School of Economics came with a traditional visit.
The Second ICEF Conference in Applied Economics
On September 14, 2019, ICEF held the Second Conference in Applied Economics at the Higher School of Economics.
Continuing Last Year’s Success at the Second Conference in Applied Economics
The Second ICEF Conference in Applied Economics was held at ICEF on September 14. The HSE News service spoke with organizers and participants about the event, which featured eight papers presented by renowned specialists from Russia and across Europe.