Ivan Grunenko, Member of the ICEF Class of 2023, Senior Sales Trader at Raiffeisen Bank: “Starting a Job at a Large Company Is Easy When You Are a Graduate of ICEF”
Ivan Grunenko majors in Economics and Finance and earned his bachelor’s from HSE and University of London a year ago. Meanwhile, his work experience is impressive. Here’s what Ivan benefitted most from while an ICEF student, the internships he completed, and why he thinks one’s Excel skills can be a saver.
Interview with Nina Ryabichenko, Executive Director at Sber AI, Who Did Her Undergraduate and Graduate Studies at ICEF and Still Stays Connected to Her Alma Mater
Nina Ryabichenko, a member of the ICEF bachelor’s class of 2009 and the master’s class of 2011, is now a teacher at her alma mater.
Big celebration! ICEF Held the Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s and Master’s Class of 2024
Hosted in HSE Cultural Center, the ceremony welcomed in its crowded hall 200+ graduates who were joined by their parents, faculty, leaders of HSE and ICEF, and guests.
“I’m Doing a Student Exchange in China.” Part 2
Вторая часть путевых заметок студента 3 курса бакалавриата МИЭФ Егора Малахова, который сейчас завершает обучение в Юго-Западном финансово-экономическом университете (SWUFE), Китай, по программе студенческого обмена. Егор рассказывает о своих впечатлениях о жизни и учебе в Китае.Опыт Егора будет особенно интересен будущим студентам второго курса МИЭФ, которые прошли отбор на новую программу двух дипломов НИУ ВШЭ –SWUFE и уже в сентябре 2024 года поедут учиться в Китай, г. Чэнду.
ICEF-UAE: Expanding the Geography of University Cooperation
In May 2024, ICEF and the United Arab Emirates University (UOAE) College of Business and Economics entered into a student exchange agreement, allowing the ICEF students to go on exchange to UOAE as early as the upcoming autumn.
“Think Outside the Box and the Win is Yours”
Антон Самокиш, третьекурсник МИЭФ, стал победителем Универсиады по эконометрике 2024 года. Международная олимпиада для студентов бакалавриата и специалитета и выпускников вузов ежегодно собирает участников из ведущих вузов России и других стран. Антон рассказывает об учебе в МИЭФ, подготовке к Универсиаде по эконометрике и планах на будущее.
New Opportunities: ICEF Hosts China’s SWUFE Delegation
On May 22, ICEF HSE hosted a delegation from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics’ Research Institute of Economics and Management (RIEM SWUFE) in Chengdu, China, led by RIEM Executive Dean Professor Dong Yan.
“I’m Doing a Student Exchange in China”
Egor Malakhov, who is in his second year of study at ICEF and currently on exchange at China’s Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), shares his travel notes and impressions of studying and living in China.