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Foreign Language (Italian)

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
4 year, 1-3 module


Grierson, Daria

Course Syllabus


The course has been designed for the 2-year students of the “HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Economics”. The main goal of this course is to continue preparing students to use Italian in their further academic studies or/and in their future carrier, which means to develop their communicative skills in Italian at the B1-B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in multiple contexts such as reading and listening comprehension, written and oral expression, communicative interaction. At the same time, the course is aimed at promoting autonomous learning, self-assessment, peer-correction and critical thinking. Plenty of authentic and culturally-enriching materials will be used.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Cultural Competences development
  • development of general cultural competence
  • Formation and development of intercultural foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence (level B1-В2) on the European scale of CEFR foreign language proficiency).
  • Formation and development of intercultural foreign-language professionally-oriented communicative competence
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • - understand the emotionally rich information in direct communication with a native speaker; - Understand public speaking, including through technical means; - extract implicit information from an oral message of a monological or dialogical nature;
  • - use etiquette of written language correctly; - increase the level of educational autonomy; - independently set the goals of educational activities aimed at continuous self-education, look for effective strategies for achieving goals;
  • - conduct a conversation in a foreign language, participate in discussions, speak publicly in the framework of professional and socio-cultural areas of communication; correctly use speech etiquette during oral communication with a representative of another linguistic culture;
  • - perform interpretation within the professional sphere of communication; - carry out written translation of printed texts from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language within the framework of the professional sphere of communication; - perform translation of documents and correspondence from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language within the framework of the professional sphere of communication;
  • - read and understand texts of various genres with different levels of penetration into the content; - write formal and informal letters; - make plans, resumes; - make abstracts, annotations; - reasonably express an opinion on the proposed issue; - conduct a creative analysis of the original written text and summarize the facts in writing;
  • - understand lectures in a foreign language; - understand factual information on radio and television; - extract factual information from the media and the Internet; - carry out analytical and synthetic processing of information obtained from oral, written and electronic sources.
  • - use the speech means of persuasion in public speaking on professional topics in direct contact with the audience; - understand and process the main content of oral monological texts perceived from various sources of information (including from the media); - understand the emotionally rich information in direct communication with a native speaker;
  • - use the speech means of persuasion in public speaking on professional topics in direct contact with the audience; - understand and process the main content of oral monological texts perceived from various sources of information (including from the media); - understand the emotionally rich information in direct communication with a native speaker;
  • be able to use the necessary language tools to discuss the given topics (problems) in the format of a monologue / dialogue / polylogue - be able to build structured statements using logical communications - be able to produce monological texts of different types (monologue-opinion, monologue-message, monologue-description, monologue-reasoning)
  • distinguish between the formats of different types of texts, their structural and stylistic features - use a variety of connecting elements that indicate the type of relationship between parts / fragments of the text - be able to translate from Russian into Italian coherent fragments of text (situations) using a thematic dictionary and studied grammatical constructions
  •  develop the skills of oral and written speech at the level of reception and production;  provide the ability to work simultaneously with different types and types of texts of a social and professional orientation;  vary the complexity of the course, offering the necessary amount of independent search and research work, taking into account the real learning situation.
  •  provide the ability to work simultaneously with different types and types of texts of a social and professional orientation;  vary the complexity of the course, offering the necessary amount of independent search and research work, taking into account the real learning situation.
  • - be able to use the necessary language tools to discuss the given topics (problems) in a monologue / discussion format - build structured statements using logical communications - be able to produce monological texts of different types (monologue-message, monologue-description, monologue-reasoning) - own speech models that allow communication in a discussion format: • expression of one’s own opinion • bringing arguments / counterarguments in defense of one’s own opinion / position
  • - determine the topic, problem, purpose (audio) of the text - ignore unfamiliar linguistic phenomena that do not interfere with the understanding of significant information - highlight keywords - find the requested information in (audio) text - determine the presence / absence, conformity / inconsistency, truth / falsity of the requested information in the content (audio) of the text
  • - determine the topic, problem, purpose of the text - distinguish the main topic / idea from subtopics / arguments / examples - ignore unfamiliar linguistic phenomena that do not interfere with the understanding of significant information - highlight keywords
  • - distinguish between facts and opinions, the position of the author and the persons quoted by him - understand causal relationships - understand the information explicitly and implicitly presented in (audio) text - determine the meaning of an unknown word by context
  • - distinguish between the formats of different types of texts, their structural and stylistic features - use a variety of connecting elements that indicate the type of relationship between parts / fragments of the text - be able to translate from Russian into Italian coherent fragments of text (situations) using a thematic dictionary and studied grammatical constructions
  • - find the requested information in the text - determine the presence / absence, conformity / inconsistency, truth / falsity of the requested information in the text content
  • - understand the semantic links between parts of the text / fragments of the text - own the necessary language tools for formalizing logical connections in written texts and oral statements
  • expand the information and language stock of students, taking into account possible contexts of activity and areas of communication between specialists and higher education;  develop the skills of oral and written speech at the level of reception and production; provide the ability to work simultaneously with different types and types of texts of a social and professional orientation;
  •  integrate knowledge from various disciplines of the humanitarian, natural science and professional fields;  expand the information and language stock of students, taking into account possible contexts of activity and areas of communication between specialists and higher education;
  •  integrate knowledge from various disciplines of the humanitarian, natural science and professional fields;  expand the information and language stock of students, taking into account possible contexts of activity and areas of communication between specialists and higher education;  develop the skills of oral and written speech at the level of reception and production;
  •  integrate knowledge from various disciplines of the humanitarian, natural science and professional fields;  expand the information and language stock of students, taking into account possible contexts of activity and areas of communication between specialists and higher education;  develop the skills of oral and written speech at the level of reception and production;
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Family and Family traditions in Italy
  • Life in the centre of the city (urban cities)
  • Healthcare in Russia and Italy / Economic, political, social, and cultural aspects
  • Reading and discussion of current press in Italian on political and social topics
  • Fascism in Italy. features and differences from the German and Spanish versions.
  • The birth of the state of Italy. Risorgimento.
  • The threat of terrorism in modern world
  • Linguistic minorities of Italy
  • The work of the Italian government and the Prime minister
  • History of development of various international organisations
  • Reiteration and consolidation of studied material
  • The media in Italy. Acquaintance with leading Italian newspapers.
  • EU: stages of development and objectives
  • Transport problems of the metropolis
  • Negotiations
  • Reception of foreign delegations
  • Talking about current problems in Italian politics
  • Reiteration and consolidation of studied material.
  • Italian cities
  • Specifics of Italian regions
  • Italy on a geographic map. Features of economic and political development. Sociological picture of Italian society.
  • Reiteration and consolidation of the studied material
  • Great individuals of the Italian Renaissance
  • History of Italy from ancient times to the twentieth century
  • Collaboration with banks, use of credit cards
  • Reading and discussing Italian newspapers
  • Reading and discussing Italian press
  • Educational system in Russia and Italy. Economic and political, social and cultural aspects.
  • Music, TV broadcast
  • Superstitions in Russia and Italy
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking oral elements of control
  • non-blocking written elements of control
  • non-blocking certification works
  • non-blocking independent seatwork
  • Partially blocks (final) grade/grade calculation Exam
    The exam in the discipline "Italian language" is conducted orally without the use of proctoring. The exam is conducted on the ZOOM platform, link https://zoom.us/my/cacciatori?pwd=OVlSNXN5VnMvbjA4cEVVY21neHo4dz09 You must connect to the exam according to the exact schedule sent by the teacher to the students ' corporate emails on the eve of the exam. The student's computer must meet the following requirements: a working camera and microphone, support for Zoom. To participate in the exam, the student must: show up for the exam according to the schedule, turn on the camera and microphone when answering. During the exam, students are forbidden to: turn off the camera, use notes and tips, communicate (in social networks, with people in the room). A short-term communication failure during the exam is considered to be a communication failure of less than 10 minutes. A long-term communication violation during the exam is considered to be a violation of 10 minutes or more. If there is a long-term communication failure, the student cannot continue to participate in the exam. The retake procedure is similar to the pass procedure.
  • non-blocking Oral elements of control
  • non-blocking Written elements of control
  • non-blocking Certification works
  • non-blocking Independent Seatwork
  • non-blocking Exam
    The exam in the discipline "Italian language" is conducted orally without the use of proctoring. The exam is conducted on the ZOOM platform according to the schedule. You must connect to the exam according to the exact schedule sent by the teacher to the students ' corporate emails on the eve of the exam. The student's computer must meet the following requirements: a working camera and microphone, support for Zoom. To participate in the exam, the student must: show up for the exam according to the schedule, turn on the camera and microphone when answering. During the exam, students are forbidden to: turn off the camera, use notes and tips, communicate (in social networks, with people in the room). A short-term communication failure during the exam is considered to be a communication failure of less than 10 minutes. A long-term communication violation during the exam is considered to be a violation of 10 minutes or more. If there is a long-term communication failure, the student cannot continue to participate in the exam. The retake procedure is similar to the pass procedure.
  • non-blocking Oral elements of control
    Current control of oral speech is carried out in the following forms: monologic and dialogic statements on the subject of the course, performance of tasks for general/detailed understanding of the sounding text.
  • non-blocking Written elements of control
    Current control of written speech is carried out in the following forms: production of a written text in accordance with the communicative task, performance of tasks for general / detailed understanding of the written text, lexical and grammatical tests on the material studied
  • non-blocking Exam
    Interviews on all main topics of the course
  • non-blocking Final assessment work
    Lexical-grammatical tasks within the topics studied in the module
  • non-blocking Written assessment work
    Lexical-grammatical tasks within the topics studied in the module
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2020/2021 2nd module
    0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * certification works + 0.1 * independent seatwork + 0.2 * oral elements of control + 0.2 * written elements of control
  • 2020/2021 4th module
    0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * certification works + 0.1 * independent seatwork + 0.2 * oral elements of control + 0.2 * written elements of control
  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.1 * Certification works + 0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * Independent Seatwork + 0.2 * Oral elements of control + 0.2 * Written elements of control
  • 2021/2022 4th module
    0.1 * Certification works + 0.4 * Exam + 0.1 * Independent Seatwork + 0.2 * Oral elements of control + 0.2 * Written elements of control
  • 2022/2023 2nd module
    0.3 * Exam + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written elements of control + 0.1 * Written elements of control
  • 2022/2023 4th module
    0.3 * Exam + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written elements of control + 0.1 * Written elements of control
  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.3 * Exam + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Oral elements of control + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written assessment work + 0.1 * Written elements of control + 0.1 * Written elements of control
  • 2023/2024 3rd module
    0.3 * Exam + 0.1 * Final assessment work + 0.2 * Oral elements of control + 0.2 * Written assessment work + 0.2 * Written elements of control


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Банкери, С. Итальянский язык. Основной курс : пособие для изучающих итальянский язык: уровень от начального к среднему / С. Банкери, М. Леттьери. [пер. с англ. А. А. Вовина]. — Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2018. - 416 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-1273-1. - Режим доступа: https://new.znanium.com/catalog/product/1047900
  • Основы итальянского языка, Грейзбард, Л. И., 2006

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Говорим по - итальянски : учеб. пособие, Буэно, Т., 2007
  • Келейникова А.Г. - Parliamo Italiano. Ч. I - Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет - 2016 - ISBN: 978-5-406-05482-6 - Текст электронный // ЭБС BOOKRU - URL: https://book.ru/book/919874
