Alongside the careful selection of study texts, it is important to master new active vocabulary. In terms of lexical material selection, we focus on high-frequency terminology specific to political and economic discourse. The selected texts facilitate discussions using specialized linguistic structures, helping to internalize vocabulary so that it becomes natural and intuitive in independent discussions on the given topic. The selection of texts and topics is preceded by consultations with colleagues teaching specialized subjects. This approach allows us to achieve two goals at once: if we were to use only basic textbooks, we would remain at that level. We collaborate with faculty members who teach professional disciplines to ensure deeper immersion into the specialty.
Despite the fact that the IRGS program requires a sufficient level of English proficiency, students do not all have the same level of proficiency. Within the first-year English curriculum, there are two main aspects. One could be described as General English, where we refine students' language skills, expand grammar topics, and so on. The other aspect is English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which helps students better understand lectures delivered in English.
For the second foreign language, the approach is different. The language is studied over four years. Since we start from scratch, the program is naturally divided into two stages. The first stage involves learning the general foundations of the language, as we recognize that professional language skills cannot develop without a solid grasp of grammar and general vocabulary. Nevertheless, by the second year, we begin introducing texts related to social and political issues. When students are exposed to original texts related to their specialty in the second year, they find them more engaging because they go beyond school-level knowledge. In the third and fourth years, specialization deepens, both in text selection and in the development of skills and competencies.
We were also interested in Professor Yakusheva's opinion on the importance of foreign languages for a career in international relations. Is it even possible for someone pursuing international politics to succeed without a strong command of foreign languages?
That is simply impossible; it would be like having a mute and deaf specialist, Professor Yakusheva replied without hesitation. Without language skills, an international relations specialist cannot succeed. How would that work? What could you read, learn from foreign sources, say, or understand? What negotiations could you conduct? A specialist in international relations must not only know the language but also understand all the specific diplomatic nuances, negotiation strategies, and much more. There is no debate here. A specialist without language skills is not a specialist.
In general, when we talk about foreign languages, I always say the same thing: while knowledge in many fields may become outdated over time, a foreign language is a lifelong competitive advantage for any specialist. Language does not change significantly within a person’s lifetime. Moreover, foreign languages are a tool for developing cognitive flexibility and quick thinking. An international relations specialist must be able to adapt to new conditions and cultures, and knowledge of foreign languages helps develop such abilities. The human brain must be capable of restructuring, and switching between languages is excellent training.