Beginning with the second 2nd year of the program students choose one of the 2 specializations offered:
- “International economics and business”
- “International politics and public relations”
The main objective of choosing between two specializations is to enrich the fundamental education in the sphere of International Relations with practically oriented diciplines. On the one hand, it will demonstrate to students how to put obtained knowledge into the practice. On the other hand, specializations are capable to provide practical skills to be useful in the future profession. Eventually, in order to introduce the student in the perspectives of professional orientations disciplines are matched with each other letting on the student to try all of them and to define his future career trajectory.
In the table below ye can get accustomed with the detailed description of each of disciplines:
International economics and business
International politics and public relations
This course is more suitable for people with mathematical and analytical thinking who are able to perform complex calculations and for those who are seeking for cause-and-effect connectivity. If you are interested in getting the profound knowledge of economic measurement in international relations, if you have a desire for the rigor of formulas and you always aspire for the systematization of information, and consequently this specialization is for you.
This course is for communicative people with creative and extraordinary thinking who prefer working with the textual information. If you are interested in world political events. If you have a passion for debates on various topics if you enjoy working on analytical materials, making reports and reviews. If you are attracted by journalism and media, thus, this specialization is for you.
Planned courses:
Second year:
- International trade models
- International competitiveness of government and firm
Third year:
- International finance and globalization (data analysis)
- Introduction in business-processes (MOOC)
Fourth year:
- Digital economy and online-business
- Elective discipline of the specialization (MOOC)
Second year:
- Non-governmental organizations and public policy
- Introduction in PR and GR
Third year:
- Data analysis in politics and media environment
- Lobbyism and political consulting (MOOC)
Fourth year:
- International journalistic and language of the global media
- Elective discipline of the specialization (MOOC)
- Ability to set strategic objectives of the development of business and companies on the world market, to suggest (pose) solutions of them and organize a team for collective operations on solutions
- Skills of risk assessment activity and of the transnational business competitiveness
- Skills of the applied analytics and business-strategies elaboration in international companies among various countries and regions
- Setting objectives of the business organization and choosing the ways of achievement including the activity on external markets
- Possessions of collection (instrumental) tools and information analysis, elaboration of management decisions, strategical analysis, and plans’ development
- Ability to analyze external business environment, especially on international markets
- Basic skills advancement of financial calculations in the sphere of International Relations.
- Lobbying skills in terms of business interests in relations with the government (GR), including external markets
- Ability to clearly articulate the company for political promotion and international positioning (of the good, service, firm, government)
- Writing skills (in different styles)
- Interviewing skills
- Development of foreign policy decisions
- Skill of productive interplay with various public segments and institutions
- Forming team skill (for media projects)
- Ability to work out and conduct public presentations of international media projects
- Participation in planning and creating marketing campaigns using the multimedia and interactive tools.