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Storytelling as an instrument of effective business communications

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
4 year, 2 module


Белятинская Екатерина Валерьевна

Course Syllabus


This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to create narratives and stories in various formats to incorporate into business-related contexts. We will analyze best practices by major international brands, start-up unicorns, global companies and inspiring speakers to learn how to mine your own experiences and transform them into art. Over the course of 1 module, we will lay the groundwork of storytelling in business communications and develop the skills necessary for you to write your own gripping stories, elevate your public speaking skills and learn to make powerful presentations. We will practice creating stories in different genres and contexts including self-presentation, brand and company story, product presentation and where necessary integrating extratextual media such as photographs, data, graphic symbols, videos and drawings etc. to create meaning. Appropriate for English learners at the level of C1, this course is designed to look into international business communication from a different angle as well as to inspire your creativity and self-expression, enhance your reading and writing skills, enrich your vocabulary and grammar, engage in thought-provoking conversations and boost your public speaking skills. Each week we will study business stories by masters of the form and our own pieces.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • to practise creating stories in different genres and contexts including self-presentation, brand and company story, product presentation and where necessary integrating extratextual media
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • to structure a story
  • to present oneself through a story
  • to use the STAR technique in presentations
  • to write a cover letter
  • to use storytelling to conduct negotiations
  • to give a 1-munite presentation
  • to deliver a start-up presentation, elevator pitch, project presentation, to present research findings
  • to conduct analysis of company and product presentations incorporating storytelling
  • to identify the structure of a presentationa and fundamental public speaking tools
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction
  • Self-Presentation
  • Job interview
  • TED Talks as a genre of storytelling
  • Business presentations
  • The Art of Persuasion
  • Motivational speech
  • Branding and Marketing
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Class Participation Assessment Criteria (3-point scale)
    3 – The student is prepared and demonstrates relevant knowledge/ skills. The student actively completes the tasks, participates in discussions, pair and group work. The student demonstrates analytical skills and knowledge beyond the assigned tasks. If necessary, the student is able to use additional materials and use IT resources. 2 – The student is mostly prepared and demonstrates some relevant knowledge/ skills. The student completes the tasks, participates in discussions, pair and group work. If necessary, the student is able to use additional materials and use IT resources. 1 – The student is partially prepared, and they are not always able to demonstrate relevant knowledge/ skills. The student completes the tasks, participates in discussions, pair and group work, though sometimes they get distracted or lose focus. The student is not able to use additional materials and use IT resources. 0 – The student is not present in class. OR Cheating has been detected. Conversion to the 3-point scale (the final average) 3-10 2,7-9 2,4-8 2,1-7 1,8-6 1,5-5 1,2-4 0,9-3 0,6-2 0,3-1 0-0
  • non-blocking Project 3. A motivational talk
    Project 3. A motivational talk Prepare a motivational speech What is the throughline? What is the precise idea I want to build inside my listeners? Start with a hook to grab the listeners' attention Introduce the problem Tell a story that takes the listener on the journey through the inciting moment and the path of "expectations vs reality" Introduce the key message Provide rational and emotional argumentation Highlight the key insights You can use visuals or make a talk without them Timing - up to 7 minutes Be ready to present your talk in class
  • non-blocking Project 2. A personal story
    Project 2. A personal story Write a personal story following the structure: An intriguing introduction An insightful moment and an emotional underdog A path of "expectations vs reality" Outcomes Conclusion Make sure your story has a clear idea and a precise throughline. Ask yourself two questions: What is the precise idea I want to build inside my listeners? What are their takeaways?
  • non-blocking Project 1. A professional self-presentation
    Project 1. A professional self-presentation Record a video of your professional self-presentation following the structure: Say your name Place yourself Relevant Background Interest, Goal Contribution You can go creative an other self-presentation techniques covered Timing - up to 3 minutes Submit a video of your self-presentation
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.25 * Class Participation Assessment Criteria (3-point scale) + 0.25 * Project 1. A professional self-presentation + 0.25 * Project 2. A personal story + 0.25 * Project 3. A motivational talk


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • De Fina, A., & Perrino, S. (2019). Storytelling in the Digital World. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Shaw, J., Kelly, P., & Semler, L. E. (2013). Storytelling: Critical and Creative Approaches. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=759326


  • Zyryanova Elena Sergeevna
  • Bogolepova Svetlana Viktorovna